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Your search for Energy found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 2003, with best matches first:

1. Online Toolkit Helps Hotels Reduce Energy Footprint and Costs
The Hotel Energy Solutions (HES) e-toolkit, the main output of the Hotel Energy Solutions project, provides hoteliers with a report which shows their current energy use and recommends appropriate renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and actions. It further sets out what kind of savings on operational expenses hotels can expect from their green investments through a r
2. Carlson Wagonlit Travel Globalizes its Energy Services Division
Carlson Wagonlit Travel Globalizes its Energy Services Division. Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT), a business travel management specialist, has created a new global organization for its Energy Services division, to offer integrated services worldwide to the companys growing portfolio of energy-related clients. Gary Pearce, who led the team of highly experienced CWT Energy Services pr
3. M&C Hotels to Cut Annual Energy Use by 10%
Millennium & Copthorne Hotels (M&C) has rolled out a large energy savings project, and a group of its Singapore and Asian hotels are already on their way to achieving its monthly target to cut energy consumption by 1.2 million kilowatt per hour (kWh), or 10% of its current energy consumption. These savings will be equivalent to the monthly energy consumption of over 2,350 three-bed
4. JAL continues Support for Energy Saving Campaign Team Minus 6%
JAL continues Support for Energy Saving Campaign Team Minus 6%. JAL is helping to raise awareness of Team Minus 6%, the Japanese governments energy-saving campaign which encourages businesses, the general public and local governments to review how they use energy, and to economically utilize and conserve energy.
5. UNWTO invites Hotels in Europe to join Energy Solutions Initiative
UNWTO invites Hotels in Europe to join Energy Solutions Initiative. Registrations are now open for hoteliers to join Hotel Energy Solutions, an interactive programme designed to boost the competitiveness of the hotel sector by increasing energy efficiency and the usage of renewable technologies.
6. Hertz and Clean Energy to Build and Operate CNG Fuel Stations at LAX
Hertz and Clean Energy to Build and Operate CNG Fuel Stations at LAX. Hertz has partnered with Clean Energy Fuels Corp. to build, operate, and supply compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling stations at Hertzs Los Angeles Airport facility. In addition to supporting Hertzs expanding clean-burning CNG airport shuttle bus fleet the new Clean Energy CNG fueling station will be accessible
7. Finnairs New Cargo Hub at Helsinki Airport to Use Solar Power
Finnairs new cargo hub at Helsinki Airport will utilize solar power produced by 1,200 panels installed on the buildings roof. Each of the installed panels can produce up to 260 W of energy and the annual energy production level is estimated to be approximately 265 MWh/a. The solar energy produced at the cargo facility will represent over 10% of the buildings annual energy consum
8. Scotland Home to UKs First Battery-Powered Hotel
A 200-room Premier Inn hotel in Scotland has become the UKs first battery-powered hotel in a bid to improve energy efficiency, secure power supply and enable energy cost savings on-site. The Gyle at Edinburgh Park, Premier Inn is trialling a new 100kW lithium ion battery to help the hotel better manage its energy consumption.

Documents 1-8 of 2003 displayed.

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