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Your search for Beacons found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 154, with best matches first:

1. HKIA and SITA to Enhance Airport Experience with Beacons
Hong Kong International Airport has commenced trials of beacons which provide key information directly to passengers’ mobile devices. SITA Lab has installed more than fifty beacons in Terminal 1 at Hong Kong International Airport for one of the trials.
2. Beacon Technology - SITA Unveils Findings of Trials
SITA Lab, the technology research team of the air transport industry’s IT provider SITA, has conducted the trials of beacon technology at airports, and this week issued the findings in its paper “Connecting to your passenger – are beacons the breakthrough?” Beacon technology has been hailed as a game-changer in retail. It uses Bluetooth to trigger the display of information on phon
3. Samsonite to Build Bluetooth Beacons into Special Track&Go Suitcases
Samsonite has unveiled details of its Track&Go solution, a sophisticated beacon device that can be built into Samsonite suitcases, allowing a case to be easily and privately tracked by its owner. The Bluetooth beacon will use Eddystone Ephemeral Identifiers (EIDs), an open privacy/security protocol by Google. Samsonite aims to launch the first suitcases featuring the Track&Go solut
4. Airports in China to Manage Growth with New Technologies
Airports in China are investing in the latest technology to manage growth and changing passenger expectations. Over the next three years, 50% of airports in the country will invest in systems to predict potential disruptions before they occur, and invest in emerging technologies including the Internet of Things, beacons and mobile services.
5. Airlines Investing in the ‘Internet of Things’
A major revolution in the passenger experience is set to emerge over the next three years as airlines invest in the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT). According to the SITA 2015 Airline IT Trends Survey, the vast majority of airlines (86%) expect that the IoT will deliver clear benefits in the next three years and already more than one third (37%) have allocated budget to it. The results
6. United Airlines Enhances Mobile App with More Airport Info
United Airlines customers flying through the airline’s hubs in the continental United States will find navigating through the airport more interactive now that it has updated its mobile app to include:
7. Nice Côte d’Azur Airport Enhances Services with SITA’s Beacon Technology
Nice Côte d’Azur Airport is leveraging SITA’s beacon technology to put personalized information at passengers’ fingertips through the airport’s new multifunctional app. The new app was launched to coincide with the recent opening of Nice Côte d’Azur Airport’s refurbished Terminal 1 retail area and will also support the refurbishing of the commercial area of Terminal 2 in 2016.
8. Airports Investing More in Technology to Improve Passenger Experience
The rate of investment in IT at airports around the world is rising – the latest figures from SITA estimate it will hit US$8.7 billion in 2015. This forecast is a climb from 5.82% of revenues in 2014 to 6.25% this year. Airport Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are also predicting even higher budgets for 2016 with 64% expecting an increase over this year.

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