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Search Travel News Asia for: ABTA

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Your search for ABTA found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 78, with best matches first:

1. Tokyo, Japan to Host ABTA's 2019 Travel Convention
Tokyo, Japan has been chosen as the host city of the Asssociation of British Travel Agent's (ABTA) 2019 Travel Convention. The Rugby World Cup 2019 will be taking place in Japan during the convention, providing an added incentive for ABTA Members to explore Japan’s regions, and possibly support one, or more, of the competing teams!
2. ABTA Provides Free Agent Places for Upcoming Travel Trade Conferences in London
ABTA has released a limited number of complimentary places for travel agent members to attend some upcoming conferences in London this year. The all-day events will provide an opportunity for travel agency representatives to hear from expert speakers about the latest market trends, gain advice on better selling and marketing their travel products, and network with suppliers and oth
3. Virgin Blue responds to Australasian Business Travel Association criticism
Virgin Blue responds to Australasian Business Travel Association criticism
4. Stakes are high as major British travel industry players assemble in Egyptian capital - Latest T
Stakes are high as major British travel industry players assemble in Egyptian capital. Latest Travel News from ASIA Travel - updated daily, and available free through email. September 2002.
5. Virgin Atlantic launches new Commission based scheme for UK Agents
Virgin Atlantic launches new Commission based scheme for UK Agents
6. Virgin Atlantic retains commission-based remuneration scheme for UK Agents
Virgin Atlantic retains commission-based remuneration scheme for UK Agents.
7. Virgin Atlantic agrees new travel agent commission structure
Virgin Atlantic agrees new travel agent commission structure
8. Singapore Airlines to Launch Seattle Flights in November 2019
Seattle will become the fifth US city in Singapore Airlines’ route network, and the fourth to be served non-stop from Singapore, when new flights are introduced next year.

Documents 1-8 of 78 displayed.

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