Search Results Your search for World Travel Organization found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-3 of 3, with best matches first:
- 1. Starwood to Open 20 Hotels in China in 2013
Starwood will open 20 new hotels in China in 2013. Having doubled its footprint there in the last three years, Starwood has 120 hotels open and more than 100 in the pipeline, making China not only the company's fastest growing, but also the second largest hotel market behind only the United States.
- 2. HKTB welcomes HK Government's measures to stimulate Tourism Industry
HKTB welcomes HK Government's measures to stimulate Tourism Industry
- 3. Recovering One Year down the Track: Tsunami
Recovering One Year down the Track: Tsunami.
Documents 1-3 of 3 displayed.
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