Search Results Your search for Pattaya Boat Show found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 367, with best matches first:
- 1. Over 6,000 Expected to Visit Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show 21-24 November; Entrance is Free
Ocean Marina Yacht Club, the largest marina in Southeast Asia, will host the eighth edition of the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show from 21-24 November. With more than 30 global yacht brands at this year's Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show - power and sail, together with domestic builds and the latest in-water technological developments, the marine line-up will be one of the largest eve
- 2. Over 6,500 People from 20+ Countries Visited Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show in Thailand
More than 6,500 people from more than 20 countries visited the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show in Thailand from 29 November - 2 December 2018. At the show, Pan Pacific Motorboats set a new record for the most boats sold onsite by a single exhibitor. Alex Dales, Managing Director, Pan Pacific Motorboats, said,
- 3. Pattaya Boat Show Opens at Ocean Marina Yacht Club
The Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show got underway on Thursday, with an impressive line-up of boats in-the-water and an interesting assortment of exhibitor displays onshore.
- 4. Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show to Take Place 21-24 November 2019
The eighth Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show will take place 21-24 November 2019. The event, which attracted almost 6,000 visitors in 2018, will have around 40 boats on display by leading international boat brands and brokers from around the world.
- 5. Sustainable Success for Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show 2019
Four days of beautiful sunny weather greeted visitors to the 8th annual Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show from 21 – 24 November. Organisers placed a strong emphasis on sustainability this year, introducing free water refill stations at the show and implementing a strict no single-use-plastic policy. This was well-received and saved an estimated 5,000 single-use plastic water bottles a
- 6. 7th Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show to Take Place 29 November - 2 December 2018
The seventh edition of the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show will take place at the Ocean Marina Yacht Club in Pattaya, Thailand from 29 November to 2 December 2018. Visitors will see an impressive multi-billion Baht line-up of power and sail boats for sale and charter, with almost 30 global and local boat brands represented ranging from dinghies, trailer boats and speedboats to large
- 7. Small Boats to Superyachts at Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show
Following recent improvements to the rules for international yachts visiting Pattaya Thailand's marine tourism industry is poised for dramatic growth. The 5th edition of the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show, taking place until 27 November 2016, has an expanded line-up of 28 boats in-the-water and more onshore. Some 6,000 people are expected to visit the marine and lifestyle festival.
- 8. Simpson Marine - Exclusive Interview with Richard Allen, Group General Manager
Exclusive interview with Richard Allen, Group General Manager of Simpson Marine. In this interview, filmed on board a Monte Carlo Yacht MCY 96 which was at the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show 2018 earlier this month, Steven Howard of asks how yacht sales have been this year when compared to 2017, which markets are doing well, which areas of ASEAN and Asia Pacific
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