Search Results Your search for November 2010 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 585, with best matches first:
- 1. Travel News Archives from 8 November 2010 to 22 November 2010
All the latest travel news featured on ASIA Travel between 8 and 22 November 2010 - archived for your easy reference. Travel News Archives from 8 November 2010 to 22 November 2010. Asia travel news from the worlds travel trade industry, latest travel news covering mainly Asia Pacific. Free daily travel news email and rss feed available.
- 2. Tiger Airways Reports November 2010 Traffic
Tiger Airways Reports November 2010 Traffic. From December 2009 to November 2010, a total of 5.7 million passengers chose to fly with Tiger Airways, an increase of 34% over the 4.2 million passengers in the preceding 12 months. The average load factor for the 12-month period to November 2010 remained at 86%, an increase of 3 percentage points year-on-year.
- 3. Singapore Visitor Arrivals in November 2010
Singapore Visitor Arrivals in November 2010. Visitor arrivals to Singapore registered 16.1% growth to reach 963,000 in November 2010, the highest number of arrivals recorded for the month of November. Visitor days were estimated at 3.5 million days, a year-on-year growth of 13.7% in comparison with November 2009.
- 4. STR Reports Global Hotel Pipelines for November 2010
STR Reports Global Hotel Pipelines for November 2010. According to the November 2010 STR Global Construction Pipeline Report, the Asia Pacific hotel development pipeline comprises 1,089 hotels totalling 268,821 rooms. Year-to-date 2010, 296 projects opened in the region with 57,495 rooms. There are 80 projects with 13,259 rooms in the region that are still expected to open in 2010.
- 5. Asia Pacific Airlines Traffic Results for November 2010
Asia Pacific Airlines Traffic Results for November 2010. Overall, airlines based in the Asia Pacific region carried 15.5 million international passengers in November 2010, an increase of 10.7% compared to the same month last year, underpinned by strong regional travel demand. Measured in revenue passenger kilometre (RPK) terms, international passenger traffic grew by 8.2%. Availabl
- 6. LAN Airlines Reports November 2010 Traffic
LAN Airlines Reports November 2010 Traffic. During November 2010, LAN Airlines and its subsidiaries’ system passenger traffic increased 11.2% as capacity rose 8.5%. As a result, the company’s load factor for the month increased 2 points to 81.5%. International passenger traffic accounted for approximately 70% of total passenger traffic.
- 7. HKIA Reports November 2010 Traffic
HKIA Reports November 2010 Traffic. In November 2010, Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) registered passenger and cargo throughput year-on-year increases of 8.1% and 7.1%, growing to 4.1 million and 368,000 tonnes respectively. Air traffic movements also rose by 13.9% to 26,765.
- 8. Playboy Club Macau to Grand Open on 20 November 2010
Playboy Club Macau to Grand Open on 20 November 2010. On 20 November 2010, Playboy will officially welcome guests to Playboy Club Macau on the top floor of Sands Macau Hotel. Influenced by the original Playboy Club which was first launched in 1960 in Las Vegas, Playboy Club Macau has been designed to reflect the latest Asian trends in high-end entertainment.
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