Search Results Your search for June 2009 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 637, with best matches first:
- 1. Air Canada Reports June 2009 Traffic
Air Canada Reports June 2009 Traffic. For the month of June 2009, Air Canada recorded a load factor of 80.9% on a consolidated basis with Jazz, versus 82.2% in June 2008, a decrease of 1.3 percentage points.
- 2. Hong Kong Airport Reports June 2009 Traffic
Hong Kong Airport Reports June 2009 Traffic. Passenger volume and cargo traffic at Hong Kong International Airport in June 2009 declined by 18.9% and 13.4% when compared to the same month in 2008, to 3.3 million and 270,000 tonnes, respectively. Air traffic movements also decreased by 13.3% to 21,505.
- 3. IATA Reports June 2009 Global Airline Traffic
IATA Reports June 2009 Global Airline Traffic. International scheduled traffic results for June 2009 show passenger demand declining 7.2% compared to the same month in the previous year while freight demand was down 16.5%. The figures, compiled by IATA, show international passenger load factors stood at 75.3%, down from 77.6% recorded in June 2008.
- 4. New Zealand Visitor Arrivals in June 2009
New Zealand Visitor Arrivals in June 2009. New Zealand’s visitor arrivals in June 2009 show that numbers from South Korea, Japan and China have been seriously impacted by concerns over Swine Flu (H1N1) and the continued economic downturn. Swine Flu was was first detected in New Zealand in late April.
- 5. Travel News Archives - 11 June 2009 to 30 June 2009
All the Travel News Featured on ASIA Travel Between 11 June and 30 June 2009. Asia travel news from the worlds travel trade industry, latest travel news covering mainly Asia Pacific. Free daily travel news email and rss feed available.
- 6. Denver Airport Reports June 2009 Traffic
Denver Airport Reports June 2009 Traffic. A total of 4,708,808 passengers were recorded at Denver International Airport in June 2009, a 2.5%decline from the 4,829,829 travelers who used the airport during the same month last year.
- 7. Air France - KLM Reports June 2009 Traffic
Air France - KLM Reports June 2009 Traffic. The 5% reduction in capacity that KLM Air France recorded in June 2009 was insufficient to offset the drop in traffic (-6.4%). The load factor remained high at 80.3% (-1.1 points). As in previous months, unit revenues were weak. The group carried 6.4 million passengers (-7%).
- 8. Finnair Reports June 2009 Traffic
Finnair Reports June 2009 Traffic. Finnair traffic in June 2009 was 13.4% and the number of passengers carried 12.2% below the figures for June 2008. Weak demand reduced the average price per passenger kilometers more than 18% in the second quarter of 2009.
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