Search Results Your search for Henley Passport found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 77, with best matches first:
- 1. Japan and Singapore Retain Top Two Spots in Henley Passport Index
Henley & Partners has released the latest results of the Henley Passport Index. Since its inception in 2006, travel freedom has increased dramatically. In 2006, a citizen could travel to 58 destinations on average without a visa from the host nation; 14 years later, this number has almost doubled to 107.
- 2. Japan, Singapore, Germany and South Korea Retain Top Spots in Henley Passport Index
The latest results from the Henley Passport Index, a ranking of all the world's passports according to the number of destinations their holders can access without a prior visa, provide exclusive insight into what post-pandemic travel freedom might look like as countries around the world selectively begin to open their borders to international visitors. Published by TravelNewsAsia.c
- 3. Japan and Singapore Now World’s Best Passports for Visa-Free Travel
Singapore and Japan have knocked Germany off the top spot of the 2018 Henley Passport Index, with citizens of both Asian nations now enjoying visa-free access to a record 180 destinations. The German passport is now the third most powerful globally, providing its citizens with access to 179 destinations worldwide.
- 4. Japan, Germany and Singapore Have World’s Most Powerful Passports
Singapore has moved down one spot to 2nd place, alongside Germany, with visa-free access or visa-on-arrival to 188 countries, as Japan consolidates its spot at the top of the Henley Passport Index, now offering its citizens access to a record total of 189 destinations, including Benin as of March. 3rd place is shared by six countries: one Asian (South Korea) and the rest European (
- 5. World’s Most Powerful Passports? Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Germany in Top 3
For the third consecutive year, Japan has secured the top spot on the Henley Passport Index with a visa-free/visa-on-arrival score of 191. Singapore holds onto its 2nd-place position with a score of 190, while South Korea drops down a rank to 3rd place alongside Germany, giving their passport holders visa-free/visa-on-arrival access to 189 destinations worldwide.
- 6. Asian Countries Dominate as UK and US Passport Power Declines
Moving into the third quarter of 2019, Japan and Singapore hold onto top spot on the Henley Passport Index, with a visa-free / visa-on-arrival score of 189. This latest ranking of passport power and global mobility, which is based on exclusive data from IATA, marks the culmination of an 18-month long winning streak for both countries, after they unseated Germany from its long-held
- 7. Bombardier to Resume Aircraft Manufacturing in Canada
Bombardier has started recalling most of its Canada-based employees who were placed on furlough following government mandates enacted to slow the spread of COVID19. Suspended manufacturing and service activities will gradually resume as of 11 May.
- 8. Ten Accor Hotels in Bangkok Renting Rooms as Offices
Some of Accor's hotels in Bangkok are trying to sell their rooms to people who need a private office space for the day. Rooms can be booked for up to 8 hours between 08:00 and 20:00 in 10 hotels.
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