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Search Travel News Asia for: "April 2009"

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Your search for April 2009 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 511, with best matches first:

1. Singapore Visitor Arrivals for April 2009
Singapore Visitor Arrivals for April 2009. Visitor arrivals to Singapore reached 780,000 in April 2009, registering a year-on-year percentage decline of 6.1%, and a smaller decline compared to the double digit decline in visitor arrivals recorded in the past three months.
2. Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for April 2009
Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals for April 2009. Hong Kong visitor arrivals in April 2009 reached 2,439,490, 0.8% more than in April 2008. This brings cumulative arrivals for the first four months of 2009 to 9,843,203, 1.5% ahead of the same period last year.
3. Perth Airport Reports April 2009 Passenger Traffic
Perth Airport Reports April 2009 Passenger Traffic. April 2009 passenger figures for Perth Airport have demonstrated strong growth in both international and domestic sectors despite the current slowdown experienced elsewhere in Australia and overseas.
4. New Zealand Visitor Arrivals for April 2009
New Zealand Visitor Arrivals for April 2009. Australian visitor arrivals to New Zealand continued to offset softening numbers from other long-haul markets during March and April. A late Easter led to a 9.2% jump in international arrivals to New Zealand for April 2009.
5. Denver Airport Reports April 2009 Passenger Traffic
Denver Airport Reports April 2009 Passenger Traffic. Passenger traffic at Denver International Airport continued to decline in April 2009, although at a smaller rate than in the previous two months.
6. IATA Reports International Airline Traffic Data for April 2009
IATA Reports International Airline Traffic Data for April 2009. IATA has released international traffic data for April 2009 that shows a 3.1% decline in passenger demand and a mammoth 21.7% fall in cargo demand compared to April 2008. The average passenger load factor for the month stood at 74.4%.
7. Spend An Evening with Annie Lennox in Hong Kong on 28 April 2009
Spend An Evening with Annie Lennox in Hong Kong on 28 April 2009. The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, together with Sony Music, will be hosting one of the most exciting unplugged charity events of the year – An Evening with Annie Lennox at MO Bar on 28 April 2009.
8. Easter Gives Positive Boost to Hong Kong Airport's Passenger Numbers in April 2009
Easter Gives Positive Boost to Hong Kong Airport's Passenger Numbers in April 2009. Hong Kong International Airport recorded a mild growth of 4.1% in passenger traffic in April 2009, representing 4.2 million, which was mainly stimulated by an increase in travel by local residents during the Easter holidays.

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