Search Results Your search for Air Lease found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 151, with best matches first:
- 1. Air Lease Orders 10 ATR 72-600s
Air Lease Orders 10 ATR 72-600s. US-based aircraft lessor Air Lease Corporation has ordered 10 new ATR 72-600 regional turboprop aircraft, and placed options for a further 10. The aircraft are planned for delivery starting in the fourth quarter of 2011.
- 2. Air Lease Corporation Finalizes Order for Up to 60 737-800s
Air Lease Corporation Finalizes Order for Up to 60 737-800s. Air Lease Corporation (ALC) has finalized an order for up to 60 Next-Generation Boeing 737-800s. The order, first announced at the Farnborough Airshow in July, is for deliveries through 2017. In addition to 54 firm orders the deal includes six additional airplanes to be reconfirmed.
- 3. Air Lease Corporation to Order Up to 60 Boeing 737s
Air Lease Corporation to Order Up to 60 Boeing 737s. Air Lease Corporation (ALC) is to purchase up to 60 Next-Generation 737-800s. The agreement includes 54 firm orders and six options, with delivery scheduled through 2017.
- 4. ALC Orders 7 ATR 72-600s
Air Lease Corporation has signed an agreement with ATR for the purchase of seven additional ATR 72-600s. Air Lease Corporation (ALC) has purchased ATRs every year since its first contract at Farnborough in 2010. With this latest agreement, ALC now has 28 ATR 72-600s in its portfolio. ATRs are currently operated by over 180 carriers worldwide thanks to their high reliability, comfor
- 5. Air Lease Corporation Orders 75 Boeing 737 MAXs
Air Lease Corporation has signed a firm order with Boeing for 60 737 MAX 8 and 15 737 MAX 9 airplanes, with reconfirmation rights for 25 additional 737 MAXs. The order, with a list-price value of $7.2 billion, represents the first 737 MAX order by a leasing company.
- 6. ALC Orders 6 Boeing 777-300ERs
Air Lease Corporation has ordered six Boeing 777-300ER (Extended Range) and reconfirmed twenty Boeing 737 MAX 8 airplanes, valued at $3.9 billion at current list prices. This 737 MAX order for 20 airplanes, valued at more than $2 billion at current list prices, brings Air Lease Corporation's combined orders for the 737 MAX to 104 airplanes. The 777-300ER order is valued at more tha
- 7. ALC Takes Delivery of First ATR 72-600
Air Lease Corporation (ALC) has taken delivery of its first ATR 72-600 turboprop aircraft. Founded by Steven F. Udvar-Hazy, ALC agreed in 2010 and 2011 to purchase 12 ATR 72-600s, with options for 8 additional ATR 72-600s.
- 8. ALC Orders 51 A320 Family Aircraft
ALC Orders 51 A320 Family Aircraft. Air Lease Corporation (ALC), the recently formed aircraft financing and leasing company, has placed a firm order for new aircraft with Airbus. The order is for 20 A321 aircraft and 31 A320 aircraft.
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