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Search Travel News Asia for: Viasat

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Your search for Viasat found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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49. Vietjet Orders 20 Airbus A321s
Vietjet has finalised an order with Airbus for 20 more A321s. The agreement is valued at US$2.39 billion and deliveries are expected to begin from 2017 until 2020. The airline currently has a fleet of 40 aircraft, including Airbus A320 (see video below) and A321s.
50. Cathay Pacific to Increase Flights to Boston and Vancouver
Cathay Pacific is to increase the frequency of its flights to Boston with the addition of three weekly flights to offer passengers a daily non-stop service from Hong Kong commencing 26 March 2017. The airline’s Vancouver schedule will also be enhanced by the addition of three extra weekly services, effective 28 March 2017, bringing the total number of flights to the Canadian city t
51. Historic Aviation Carbon Offset and Reduction Agreement Moves a Step Closer
IATA expressed optimism for an agreement on a Carbon Offset and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) when governments meet for the 39th Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization later this month. The draft negotiating text for CORSIA, published on 2 September 2016, broadly aligns with the aviation industry’s call for a mandatory global carbon offset
52. Austrian Airlines Launches Flights Between Hong Kong and Vienna
Austrian Airlines has launched flights between Hong Kong and Vienna. Austrian Airlines will offer flights from Hong Kong to Vienna throughout the entire year with up to five flights per week, operated with Boeing 777 aircraft. The duration of flights from Hong Kong to Vienna, at a distance of more than 8,700 km, is 12 hours and 30 minutes.
53. Demand for Air Freight Strengthens in July 2016
IATA's data for global air freight markets in July 2016 shows a robust growth in demand. Measured in freight tonne kilometers (FTKs), demand increased 5.0% in July 2016, compared to July 2015. This was the fastest pace in almost 18 months. Freight capacity measured in available freight tonne kilometers (AFTKs) increased by 5.2% year-on-year, outstripping demand and keeping yields u
54. British & Irish Lions Revise Iconic Badge
The British & Irish Lions have revised the iconic badge to better reflect their history that stretches back to 1888. The scroll below the world-famous badge now reads SINCE 1888 rather than the destination of each tour. A unique tour identifier – NZ2017 – has also been created to give the 2017 Tour to New Zealand its own identity. Each subsequent tour is expected to adopt this appr
55. Dorsett Shepherds Bush Wins International Architecture Award 2016
Dorsett Shepherds Bush has won the prestigious International Architecture Award 2016. Having been selected from a competitive pool of 130 projects from over 40 nations, the award is a true testament to the hard work of the design team at Dorsett Hospitality International, led by Wendy Chiu, Senior Vice President of Interior Design.
56. Scoot to Launch Changi - Jaipur Flights
Scoot has taken delivery of its 12th Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The Singapore-based airline will operate the new aircraft on the Singapore – Jaipur which is set to take off on 2 October 2016. Scoot will fly three times weekly on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays from Singapore to Japiur.

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