Search Results Your search for UNWTO found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 49-56 of 5931, with best matches first:
- 49. UNWTO calls for Strategic Approach to Crisis Management
UNWTO calls for Strategic Approach to Crisis Management. Tourism authorities from Greece, Honduras and Indonesia informed UNWTO that recent events have not caused major changes in the schedules of travellers. While this reflects the resilience of the travel and tourism industry, it also underlines the need for a strategic and rapid response of the sector to the adversities.
- 50. HK’s PolyU to Hold UNWTO Knowledge Network Symposium and TedQual Information Seminar
A United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Knowledge Network Symposium and a UNWTO TedQual Information Seminar will be held on 16-17 November 2013 at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- 51. UNWTO Expresses Concern over Change of Status of Spanish Tourism Secretariat
UNWTO Expresses Concern over Change of Status of Spanish Tourism Secretariat. While the decision of the Spanish Government to implement a series of austerity measures to address the public deficit is fully understandable, the UNWTO has expressed great concern that such measures have translated into the end of a separate Secretariat for Tourism.
- 52. Georgia to Host UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism in September
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in collaboration with the Georgian National Tourism Administration, will host the first UNWTO Global Conference on Wine Tourism in the Kakheti wine region of Georgia on 7-9 September 2016. The Conference will have a unique and dynamic format with three sessions to be held in different wineries across the Georgian region of Kakheti.
- 53. Anthony Bourdain to Attend 1st UNWTO World Forum on Food Tourism in Spain
The many links between gastronomy and tourism, and the opportunities for closer cooperation between both areas, will be explored at the 1st UNWTO World Forum on Food Tourism, jointly organized by UNWTO and the Basque Culinary Center in Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain from 27 to 28 April 2015. Topics such as the concept of food tourism, current trends, and the links between gastronomy
- 54. UNWTO and UNDP launch the UN Silk Road City Awards
UNWTO and UNDP launch the UN Silk Road City Awards. UNWTO and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have formally launched the UN Silk Road City Awards Scheme within the framework of the Silk Road Initiative (SRI), which is to be implemented in the coming months. The key aims of the Initiative are to improve policy and legal conditions for trade, to attract investment to
- 55. UNWTO welcomes PATA's CEO Challenge
UNWTO welcomes PATA's CEO Challenge. PATA's CEO Challenge is follows a series of forthcoming leadership events on this compelling theme: starting with the UNWTO's second Climate Change and Tourism conference in Davos, Switzerland, October 1-3; a tourism ministerial meeting in London in November; and, in April 2008, the airline community's third Aviation and Environment Summit in Ge
- 56. UNWTO Secretary-General - Francesco Frangialli - to Step Down
UNWTO Secretary-General - Francesco Frangialli - to Step Down. The Secretary-General of the UNWTO, Francesco Frangialli, has confirmed that he is to step down at the beginning of 2009 to allow for a smooth transition before the normal end of his final term of office.
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