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Search Travel News Asia for: Snecma

Search Results
Your search for Snecma found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 9-16 of 32, with best matches first:

9. AirTran Airways Orders up to 110 Boeing 737s and 717s
AirTran Airways Orders up to 110 Boeing 737s and 717s.
10. Eurocypria Airlines' First Boeing Airplane Makes Its Debut
Eurocypria Airlines' First Boeing Airplane Makes Its Debut
11. Air China orders seven Boeing 737s
Air China orders seven Boeing 737s.
12. Ryanair Ups Commitment to 250 Boeing 737-800s in Record Year
Ryanair Ups Commitment to 250 Boeing 737-800s in Record Year
13. Luxembourg's Luxair Orders Two Boeing 737-700s
Luxembourg's Luxair Orders Two Boeing 737-700s.
14. Philippine Airlines to acquire 18 Airbus aircraft in major refleeting move
Philippine Airlines to acquire 18 Airbus aircraft in major refleeting move.
15. Continental Airlines to Conduct Biofuel Flight in January
Continental Airlines to Conduct Biofuel Flight in January. Continental Airlines is to conduct its first biofuel-powered demonstration flight in Houston on 7 January 2009. The demonstration flight, which will be operated with no passengers, will be powered by a special fuel blend including components derived from algae and jatropha plants - sustainable, second-generation fuel source
16. Air Europa to add more Boeing 737-800s to its fleet
Air Europa to add more Boeing 737-800s to its fleet

Documents 9-16 of 32 displayed.

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