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Your search for Simulator found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 6157, with best matches first:

1. Germany Awards Airbus H145 Simulator with Level D Status
The H145 simulator at the Airbus Helicopters Training Academy in Germany has been awarded level D status by the German Federal Aviation Office, the highest possible certification for a full flight simulator. Not only is it the world’s first certified full flight simulator for the H145, but it is also the first helicopter simulator in Germany to receive EASA level D certification.
2. Boeing Selects TRU as Supplier for 777X Full-Flight Simulator Suites
Boeing has selected TRU Simulation + Training as its supplier for the first 777X full-flight simulator suites for Boeing’s pro forma campuses. Pro forma training is offered to customers as part of the airplane sale. Each simulator suite will include a full-flight simulator and a high-fidelity, flat-panel classroom trainer. TRU will also provide a simulator to assist with Boeing’s e
3. Qantas Invests in Boeing 787-9 Flight Simulator
Qantas is investing A$23 million in a new flight simulator and other training equipment as part of the airline’s preparations for the arrival of the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner. The 787-9 simulator in Sydney will be used for new and recurrent training and complement the existing Dreamliner simulator in Melbourne used by Jetstar.
4. Bombardier Boosts Training Capacity with New Simulator in Dallas
Bombardier Boosts Training Capacity with New Simulator in Dallas. Bombardier Aerospace has increased the capacity of its training network with the addition of a CAE-built Level D Full-Flight Simulator(FFS) in Dallas, Texas to serve the growing number of Challenger 605 business jet operators in the United States and worldwide. The new Challenger 605 aircraft simulator, located at Bo
5. Ansat Helicopter Simulator Receives Certification from TsAGI
Kazan helicopters has received certification for the Ansat helicopter simulator by the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI). The simulator was tested for its compliance with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
6. Miami ATC Installs First Airbus A350 XWB Full-Flight Simulator in Americas
The Airbus Training Center (ATC) in Miami has installed its first A350 XWB full-flight simulator. The A350 XWB simulator has received Level-D qualification from both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
7. Lufthansa Takes Delivery of Boeing 777-300ER Simulator
Lufthansa pilots can now train on a new Boeing 777-300ER simulator, provided by Lockheed Martin Commercial Flight Training (LMCFT) under a contract with Lufthansa Flight Training. The Level D-certified full flight simulator was qualified by the German Luftfahrt-Bundesamt to European Aviation Safety Agency or EASA standards on August 14 and is now ready for training.
8. Argon Electronics to Launch ADM-300 Simulator at DSEI in London
Argon Electronics of Luton, England, is to use DSEI, one of the world's largest defence and security exhibitions, to launch its new ADM-300 radiation detector simulator. The ADM-300 simulator replicates the Canberra ADM-300A series meters including the new (V1B) radiation survey meter which detects beta and gamma radiation. This top-of-the-range meter is used by the United Kingdom

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