Search Results Your search for Research found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 49-56 of 5033, with best matches first:
- 49. Research shows AIME 2005 meets business objectives of 98.3% of visitors
Research shows AIME 2005 meets business objectives of 98.3% of visitors.
- 50. GKN Aerospace Establishes Research Chair with University of Bath
GKN Aerospace is sponsoring a five year Royal Academy of Engineering (RA Eng.) research chair, based at the University of Bath. The Royal Academy of Engineering/ GKN Aerospace Chair in Composites Analysis represents a combined investment by the University, the Royal Academy of Engineering and GKN Aerospace.
- 51. GKN Aerospace Sponsors 5-Year Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair
GKN Aerospace is to sponsor a five year Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) research chair, based at the University of Sheffield. The chair is focused on harnessing and developing the extraordinary potential of additive manufacture (AM) for aerospace and other high value industrial sectors. The GKN Aerospace RAEng chair in Additive Manufacture and Advanced Structural Metallics wil
- 52. World View to Fly Research and Education Payloads During Test Flights
World View Enterprises, a commercial spaceflight balloon company, has unveiled plans to fly research and education payloads during its balloon test flight phase as part of its newly launched Pathfinder program. World View has selected three initial Pathfinder payloads to fly on its delivery platforms beginning in late 2014. The payloads will be transported to altitudes as high as 1
- 53. Cornell Hotel School’s Center for Hospitality Research partners with The Kohinoor Group
Cornell Hotel School’s Center for Hospitality Research partners with The Kohinoor Group
- 54. Intelligent Spas publishes New Spa Research from Asia Pacific
Intelligent Spas publishes New Spa Research from Asia Pacific. Intelligent Spas has released its latest series of benchmark reports which highlight significant differences in spa markets across the greater Asia Pacific region. The information included in the benchmark reports can be crucial for those operating in the spa market, as it helps them to conduct reliable business analysi
- 55. Rolls-Royce and GKN Aerospace establish Composite Material JV
Rolls-Royce and GKN Aerospace establish Composite Material JV. Rolls-Royce has established a joint venture company with GKN Aerospace to carry out research and development into the use of composite materials in aero engine fan blades. Funding for the research and development is expected to be approximately £11 million. Rolls-Royce will fund and own 51% of the venture, with GKN Aero
- 56. Cornell Hotel School, JohnsonDiversey launch Research Partnership
Cornell Hotel School, JohnsonDiversey launch Research Partnership.
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