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Your search for Production found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 105-112 of 4296, with best matches first:

105. Singapore in Race to be Green Fuel Refinery Hub
Singapore in Race to be Green Fuel Refinery Hub. Spire Research and Consulting estimates that biofuel demand in Asia will grow by more than 50% a year over the next three years. As the region ramps up biofuel production, Singapore will be well-placed to compete for refinery contracts, but will face competition from producer countries eager to develop integrated biofuel value chains
106. Boeing and Embraer Sign MOU to Form JV
Boeing and Embraer have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a strategic partnership. The non-binding agreement proposes the formation of a joint venture comprising the commercial aircraft and services business of Embraer that would strategically align with Boeing's commercial development, production, marketing and lifecycle services operations.
107. Study of Jet Fuel Made from Saltwater Plants
Study of Jet Fuel Made from Saltwater Plants. The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi will lead the study, which will examine the overall potential for sustainable, large-scale production of biofuels made from salicornia bigelovii and saltwater mangroves - plants known as halophytes. Yale University's School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and UOP will also
108. GKN Aerospace to Design/Supply Global 7000/8000 Aircraft Windows
GKN Aerospace has been awarded a contract for the design, development and production of transparencies for the Bombardier Global 7000 and Global 8000 business jets. The contract includes both the cockpit and passenger cabin windows for these ultra long-range business jets.
109. U.S. Army National Guard Takes Delivery of First of 18 Airbus UH-72B Lakota Helicopters
The U.S. Army National Guard has taken delivery of the first UH-72B, the latest variant of its Lakota helicopter, from Airbus’ production facility in Columbus, Mississippi. The delivery is the first of 18 UH-72B Lakota helicopters currently on order to support the National Guard’s critical missions. Published by on 8 September 2021.
110. First Structurally Complete BelugaXL Moves into Testing Phase
The first structurally complete airframe for the new BelugaXL has rolled out from its assembly hangar in Toulouse, France. Once operational, a fleet of these next-generation airlifters will be used to transport completed sections of Airbus aircraft among the company’s European production sites and to its final assembly lines in France, Germany and Spain.
111. Boeing Restructures Commercial Airplanes Organizations
Boeing Restructures Commercial Airplanes Organizations. Boeing has made a series of executive leadership changes and restructured Boeing Commercial Airplanes to better align resources across its development and production programs and strengthen oversight of its global supply chain.
112. Bombardier Starts Assembly of Major Structures on Global 7000 and 8000 Aircraft
Bombardier Aerospace has reached key product development milestones on the Global 7000 and Global 8000 aircraft program, with the start of production and assembly of major structures for the first Flight Test Vehicle (FTV1).

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