Search Results Your search for PATA found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 89-96 of 5613, with best matches first:
- 89. Brian Deeson appointed Interim President and CEO of PATA
Brian Deeson appointed Interim President and CEO of PATA. PATA President and CEO Peter de Jong has had his request for an earlier departure date from the association approved. Mr de Jong will now leave PATA on October 17, 2008, after seven years at the helm.
- 90. PATA to host Information Technology Seminar in Bangkok
PATA to host Information Technology Seminar in Bangkok. The PATA Thailand Chapter is to host an information technology seminar for the travel industry on 27 June called - Travelling Bits & Bytes.The event, held at the Holiday Inn Silom in Bangkok, will be presented by Mr Har van der Veen, managing director of MindWaves Solutions, which specialises in IT solutions for the travel sec
- 91. PATA gets ATTA and IUCN Endorsement for Adventure Travel Event in Nepal
PATA gets ATTA and IUCN Endorsement for Adventure Travel Event in Nepal. PATA has received backing from for its 2010 Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart in Nepal. The Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) have both endorsed the event which will take place at the Soaltee Crowne Plaza in Kathma
- 92. Andrew Nihopara named 2009 PATA Face of the Future
Andrew Nihopara named 2009 PATA Face of the Future. Andrew Nihopara has been named as the 2009 PATA Face of the Future. Andrew, Marketing Manager for the South Pacific Tourism Organisation, based in Suva, Fiji Islands, leads a team that embraces 13 national tourism offices in the South Pacific.
- 93. TAT and PATA Reassure Travellers that Bangkok is Safe
TAT and PATA Reassure Travellers that Bangkok is Safe. The Tourism Authority of Thailand, in association with PATA, are seeking to reassure tourists and business travellers visiting Thailand that the protests in Bangkok have not caused major disruption in the city. While Bangkok remains a safe destination for both leisure and business travellers, the two organizations do advise all
- 94. PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart to Return to Nepal
PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart to Return to Nepal. The PATA Adventure Travel and Responsible Tourism Conference and Mart (AT&RTCM) will return to Pokhara, Nepal in 2011. The AT&RTCM will take place at the Fulbari Resort and Spa, 7-11 February 2011. Under the theme ‘Social Give Back: Doing Well by Doing Good’, the conference will
- 95. PATA Reports April and May 2010 Visitor Arrivals
PATA Reports April and May 2010 Visitor Arrivals. PATA has released the preliminary Asia and the Pacific international visitor arrivals figures for the months of April and May 2010, showing year-on-year growth in arrivals of 7% and 16% respectively. For the first five months of 2010, international visitor arrivals to the region grew by a robust 10% as compared to the same period la
- 96. PATA announces Policy Position on Travel Advisories
PATA announces Policy Position on Travel Advisories.
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