Search Results Your search for LHR found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 73-80 of 3035, with best matches first:
- 73. Etihad Airways launches Free Luxury Stopover in Abu Dhabi
Etihad Airways launches Free Luxury Stopover in Abu Dhabi. Etihad Airways is offering passengers travelling in Pearl Business Class from Bangkok a chance to experience a luxury stopover with free accommodation at Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort, one of the most luxurious and authentic resorts in all of Abu Dhabi.
- 74. Etihad Airways Signs Codeshare with Malev Airlines
Etihad Airways Signs Codeshare with Malev Airlines. Etihad Airways customers will soon be able to fly to Budapest following the signing of a new codeshare agreement with Hungarian carrier, Malev Airlines. The new deal, which comes into effect in September 2010, will also give air travellers in Hungary greater and easier access to the Abu Dhabi-based airline’s network of 61 destinat
- 75. Carlson Signs Second Radisson Hotel in Bangladesh
Carlson Signs Second Radisson Hotel in Bangladesh. Carlson Hotels has signed a Development Services Agreement for the second Radisson hotel in Bangladesh. The 250-room Radisson Hotel Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh is scheduled to open in the fourth quarter of 2013. The hotel is situated on a premier oceanfront location along one of the world’s longest natural beaches, spanning 120 kilomet
- 76. Benedict Ng joins M Hotel Singapore as General Manager
Benedict Ng joins M Hotel Singapore as General Manager. Mr. Benedict Ng has been appointed as General Manager of the 413-room M Hotel in Singapore. Mr Ng’s last appointment was at Copthorne King’s Hotel Singapore as the property’s General Manager since 2005.
- 77. Travelport launches Flexi Shopper for Agents in HK and Taiwan
Travelport launches Flexi Shopper for Agents in HK and Taiwan. Travelport has launched a new flight availability search tool called Flexi Shopper in Hong Kong and Taiwan. The application was developed specifically for Hong Kong and Taiwan markets and allows Galileo-connected travel consultants to search for flight availability with a range of travel dates in one easy step.
- 78. ITB Berlin 2010 Tickets
ITB Berlin 2010 Tickets. Anyone attending ITB Berlin on the public days, Saturday and Sunday, 13 and 14 March 2010, can obtain their tickets from the comfort of their own homes and at a reduced rate by booking online. Online tickets cost 12 euros compared with the usual price of 14 euros.
- 79. Continental Airlines to launch New Flights to Hawaii
Continental Airlines to launch New Flights to Hawaii. Continental Airlines is to launch flights from Los Angeles and Orange County to Maui and a flight between Orange County and Honolulu on Sunday, 7 March 2010.
- 80. BA to Use Airplane Health Management on Boeing Twin-Aisle Fleet
BA to Use Airplane Health Management on Boeing Twin-Aisle Fleet. British Airways has confirmed it is to make use of Boeing’s Airplane Health Management (AHM) system to monitor the in-flight condition of more than 100 Boeing twin-aisle jetliners. AHM will be used on the airline's current 777 and 747-400 fleets and future deliveries, including 787 Dreamliners.
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