Search Results Your search for HRG found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 57-64 of 2367, with best matches first:
- 57. Hogg Robinson Group welcomes IATA's New Airline Ticketing Rules
Hogg Robinson Group welcomes IATA's New Airline Ticketing Rules. The recent introduction of 100% 'e-ticketing' by airlines, in accordance with the International Air Transport Association's (IATA) electronic format ticketing system, has been warmly welcomed by Hogg Robinson Group (HRG), an international corporate travel services company, as it will mean all travellers will now reap
- 58. Hogg Robinson Group stages New Opportunities Technology Seminar
Hogg Robinson Group stages New Opportunities Technology Seminar. International corporate travel services company, Hogg Robinson Group (HRG), will host its inaugural 'New Opportunities Technology Seminar' at the Microsoft Campus, Reading (England), on 9 October. Driving debate on cutting-edge issues, this industry event will explore technological innovation and new ways for supplier
- 59. American Express to Acquire Hogg Robinson Group
American Express Global Business Travel (GBT) has unveiled plans to acquire Hogg Robinson Group (HRG) PLC, a global B2B services company specialising in travel management, in a recommended all-cash acquisition of the entire issued, and to be issued, ordinary share capital.
- 60. Asia Pacific Hotel Industry Remains Resilient; ARR Up
The latest interim Hotel Survey from Hogg Robinson Group (HRG) shows evidence of Asia Pacific’s hotel industry remaining resilient with an overall increase from 2012. Average room rates (ARR) have increased in [31/35] out of the top 50 cities, where Singapore saw a 4% growth in ARR in terms of GBP.
- 61. Hayley Housden joins Advito as Senior Director
Hayley Housden joins Advito as Senior Director. Advito, the independent consulting division of BCD Travel, has appointed Hayley Housden, former Corporate Sales Manager at HRG, as Senior Director of the company’s Global Business Development team.
- 62. Hogg Robinson and PricewaterhouseCoopers earn 2008/09 Project ICARUS Award
Hogg Robinson and PricewaterhouseCoopers earn 2008/09 Project ICARUS Award. Hogg Robinson Group and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP have received the coveted 2008/09 Project ICARUS Award for Best Corporate Team from the Institute of Travel Management - recognising their partnership approach to mitigating the environmental impact of PwC's corporate travel activities.
- 63. Hogg Robinson the Platinum Sponsor at CTEMF in Beijing
Hogg Robinson the Platinum Sponsor at CTEMF in Beijing. Hogg Robinson, an international corporate travel services company, is the platinum sponsor of the CTEMF 2009 in Beijing, 14-15 July, where it will spearhead discussions on challenges to the business travel industry and strategies to maximise T&E cost savings and improve the corporate bottom line in light of the economic downtu
- 64. Singapore Hotels Returning to Pre-Crisis Levels; Still Cheaper than HK
Singapore Hotels Returning to Pre-Crisis Levels; Still Cheaper than HK. Singapore hotels seem to be returning to pre-crisis levels with the vibrant city-state leaping 19 places as most expensive city in the world for business travellers, according to the Global Hotel Market Survey from the Hogg Robinson Group.
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