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Your search for HRG found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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1. HRG Showcases New Technology @ ACTE Asia Pacific Education Conference
HRG Showcases New Technology @ ACTE Asia Pacific Education Conference. Hogg Robinson Group (HRG) is showcasing its latest technology at the ACTE Asia Pacific Education Conference, being held 25-26 August 2010. HRG will unveil HRG Security Suite, HRG i-Suite, HRG Reporting, and TripCase.
2. Greg Treasure appointed Managing Director of HRG Australia
Greg Treasure appointed Managing Director of HRG Australia. Industry veteran Carl Buerckner has chosen to leave HRG Australia to pursue early retirement plans. He will be succeeded as Managing Director by Greg Treasure, until recently HRG's General Manager in Hong Kong, who brings extensive experience to the role both from an operational perspective and his knowledge of the Asia Pa
3. HRG and Visa Launch CTA Lodge Card Solution in Europe
Hogg Robinson Group (HRG) and Visa have joined forces to launch a Central Travel Account (CTA) Lodge card solution in Europe. Visa Central Travel Account is a centralised payment solution which combined with HRG’s travel management expertise gives clients complete control and visibility of their travel spend. John Harvey, Group Marketing Director, HRG, said,
4. HRG Partners Sabre for TripCase Mobile Technology
HRG Partners Sabre for TripCase Mobile Technology. Hogg Robinson Group has partnered Sabre Travel Network to offer its clients TripCase, a mobile itinerary management application. The solution includes full integration of HRG client travel plans into the TripCase application. The product will also allow HRG to communicate with travellers post-booking and in-transit via the TripCase
5. HRG Unveils New Mapping Tool - HRG Insight
Hogg Robinson Group unveiled HRG Insight, its new interactive mapping and reporting tool, at the first day of the Business Travel and Meeting Show in London. The tool provides vital travel data such as spend, personnel and high-risk areas, on an interactive map.
6. HRG Partners Diners Travel in Peru
Hogg Robinson Group has appointed Diners Travel as its new partner in Peru. The company will trade as HRG Peru and will support HRG's clients with dedicated local and regional expertise. Diners Travel was established in 1975 and has two offices in Lima, employing 28 staff.
7. HRG Global Hotel Market Survey Shows Asia Pacific Posting Strong Growth
HRG Global Hotel Market Survey Shows Asia Pacific Posting Strong Growth. The Hogg Robinson Group (HRG), a corporate travel services company, has released its 2010 Global Hotel Market Survey. The data, which covers the entire year of 2010, shows that much of the increase in hotel rates occurred in the Asia Pacific - an indicator that the region may have fully recovered from the glob
8. HRG China Appoints New General Manager
Hogg Robinson Group has promoted Yates Fei to the position of General Manager of HRG China, effective 1 October 2013. He succeeds Harald Weber-Liel, who will return to HRG Germany to take up a key position within the senior management team.

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