Search Results Your search for Engine found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 169-176 of 4214, with best matches first:
- 169. Airbus and Pratt & Whitney to test Geared Turbofan Concept
Airbus and Pratt & Whitney to test Geared Turbofan Concept. As part of Airbus' routine and on-going research into new technologies, Airbus and Pratt & Whitney have agreed to flight test a technology demonstrator version of Pratt & Whitney's new Geared Turbofan engine. The tests will be performed on Airbus' own A340 Flight Test aircraft during the fourth quarter of 2008.
- 170. Etihad Airways Operates First ecoFlight of 2021
Etihad Airways operated its first ecoFlight for 2021 on Saturday, continuing research and testing under the Etihad Greenliner programme to assess environmental sustainability initiatives during scheduled services. EcoFlight, EY83, departed Abu Dhabi for Rome on 17 April 2021, testing a range of flight and engine optimisation initiatives, as well as onboard product enhancements to r
- 171. Ciopaer Takes Delivery of First Two H135s with Helionix in Police Configuration
Airbus Helicopters has delivered the first two H135 helicopters with Helionix in a police configuration to its Brazilian customer, Ciopaer. The two delivered helicopters will be used to reinforce public security in Ceará State, as well as providing support for aeromedical operations in other regions of the state. Ciopaer’s fleet already includes two AS350s and four twin-engine heli
- 172. Great Hotels Organisation to launch New ‘One-Screen Booking Solution’ at WTM
Great Hotels Organisation to launch New ‘One-Screen Booking Solution’ at WTM. G-rez by Great Hotels Organisation (GHO) is set to unveil its new web booking engine for hotels, called G-wiz, at this year’s World Travel Market in London. For the first time, hotels will be able to view the innovative technology, which offers one of the only one-screen solutions in the market-place.
- 173. Rolls-Royce Signs TotalCare Deals Worth US$1.2 billion with Emirates
Rolls-Royce Signs TotalCare Deals Worth US$1.2 billion with Emirates. Rolls-Royce has concluded an agreement valued at US$1.2 billion (AED 4.4 billion) to provide contracted engine services powering 50 of Emirates’ 152 wide-bodied aircraft. Rolls-Royce will provide TotalCare long term services support for Trent 700 engines powering 29 Airbus A330 aircraft and Trent 800 engines powe
- 174. Warwick International Hotels Selects Pegasus Solutions’ NetBooker NG
Warwick International Hotels has upgraded to Pegasus Solutions’ NetBooker NG Internet booking engine to drive online bookings directly to 27 of the company’s international collection of more than 40 hotels and resorts. The move makes Warwick the first Utell Hotels & Resorts member chain to implement NetBooker NG, one component of Pegasus’ new state-of-the-art RezView NG central res
- 175. Miami’s Circa 39 Hotel Switches to Utell
Miami’s Circa 39 Hotel has switched to Utell Hotels & Resorts for full-service international sales, marketing and representation services. The 100-room boutique hotel has also signed with Pegasus Solutions for its proven NetBooker NG Internet booking engine to capture more business through its website.
- 176. Boeing starts Major Assembly of First New 777 Freighter
Boeing starts Major Assembly of First New 777 Freighter. Boeing mechanics have begun major assembly of the new 777 Freighter, an aircraft which is expected to fly farther and provide more capacity than any other twin-engine cargo airplane currently available.
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