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Search Travel News Asia for: EASA

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Your search for EASA found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 1-8 of 3810, with best matches first:

1. Lion Technic to Employ EASA-Certified Maintenance Personnel
Lion Technic to Employ EASA-Certified Maintenance Personnel Lion Technic has taken another step forward to achieving its goal of becoming an EASA-certified maintenance organization. Lion Technic is planning to employ eight EASA-certified maintenance personnel from Europe who will work with Lion Technics line maintenance personnel at Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
2. Bombardiers CS100 Aircraft Awarded EASA and FAA Type Validation
Bombardiers CS100 aircraft has been awarded Type Validation by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) following a comprehensive testing program. The EASA and FAA validations follow the CS100 aircraft Type Certification awarded by Transport Canada in December 2015.
3. Airbus A380 receives joint EASA and FAA Type Certification
Airbus A380 receives joint EASA and FAA Type Certification. Earlier this week, the world's largest commercial airliner, the 790+ seat Airbus A380, received joint European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Type Certification. The certified aircraft is powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines.
4. Thai Airways Receives EASA TCO Authorization for Flights to EU
Thai Airways International has passed the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Third Country Operator (TCO) Audit and received authorization for flight operations to countries in the European Union. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) conducted a TCO Audit on Thai Airways 12-13 November 2015, and consequently granted the airline a Third Country Operator (TCO) authorization
5. A330-200 Freighter Receives Type Certification from EASA
A330-200 Freighter Receives Type Certification from EASA. The Airbus A330-200F has been granted Type Certification by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) following a successful 200-hour flight-test campaign. The trials were performed by two aircraft, covering both engine types on offer: the Pratt and Whitney PW4000 and the Rolls-Royce Trent 700.
6. EASA Gives Green Light to B737 MAX; Boeing Agrees to Make More Changes
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has given its seal of approval for the return to service of a modified version of the Boeing 737 MAX, mandating a package of software upgrades, electrical working rework, maintenance checks, operations manual updates and crew training which will allow the plane to fly safely in European skies after almost two years on the ground. Pub
7. Volga-Dnepr Gulf Earns EASA Part-145 Aircraft Maintenance Certificate
Volga-Dnepr Gulf, Volga-Dnepr Technics subgroup branch in the Middle East, has been awarded an EASA Part-145 aircraft maintenance certificate after meeting all of the procedures required by the European Aviation Safety Agency to perform maintenance services on western-built aircraft at its Sharjah Airport base.
8. CAAS and EASA to Study Aircraft Wake Turbulence at Changi
The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) have signed a Working Arrangement to conduct a study of aircraft wake turbulence at Changi Airport, with the aim of reducing aircraft separation standards safely.

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