Search Results Your search for Dreamliner found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 41-48 of 15349, with best matches first:
- 41. Fifth Boeing 787 Dreamliner Begins Test Flights
Fifth Boeing 787 Dreamliner Begins Test Flights. The first Boeing 787 Dreamliner with General Electric (GE) engines (aircraft ZA005) has completed its first test flight. GE executives and Boeing employees were on hand to welcome Captains Mike Bryan and Mike Carriker to Boeing Field in Seattle following completion of the 3-hour and 48-minute flight over the state of Washington. Fift
- 42. Final Assembly Begins on First Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Final Assembly Begins on First Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Final assembly has begun on the first Boeing 787 Dreamliner destined for delivery to launch customer ANA (All Nippon Airways) of Japan.
- 43. Final Boeing 787 Dreamliner for Flight Test Enters Final Assembly
Final Boeing 787 Dreamliner for Flight Test Enters Final Assembly. The sixth and final Boeing 787 Dreamliner designated for flight test is now undergoing final assembly in Everett, Wash. The airplane, designated ZA006, will be powered with General Electric GEnx engines.
- 44. Air Canada increases Boeing 787 Dreamliner Order to 37 aircraft
Air Canada increases Boeing 787 Dreamliner Order to 37 aircraft. Air Canada has exercised existing options and purchase rights for 23 Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft, bringing its total firm orders for the aircraft to 37 from the 14 originally announced, with deliveries starting in 2010.
- 45. Further Delays Hit Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Further Delays Hit Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Boeing has confirmed that the first flight of the 787 Dreamliner, which ANA the launch customer was hoping would take place this month, has been postponed.
- 46. Boeing 787 Dreamliner to Begin Tour of Asia, Africa and Middle East in December
Boeing is to launch a six-month tour with its all-new 787 Dreamliner. The December schedule for the 787 Dream Tour includes six stops in Asia, Africa and the Middle East:. Boeing 787 Dreamliner to Begin Tour of Asia, Africa and Middle East in December
- 47. British Airways Takes Delivery of First Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner
British Airways has taken delivery of its first Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner. The British Airways 787 Dreamliner can carry 214 passengers and is configured with 35 seats in Club World, 25 in World Traveller Plus and 154 seats in the World Traveller cabin. The airline will operate the 787 from Heathrow to Toronto from 1 September 2013 and Heathrow to Newark from 1 October 2013.
- 48. Boeing 787 Dreamliner completes Fuselage Barrel Test
Boeing 787 Dreamliner completes Fuselage Barrel Test. The composite technology, design and construction of Boeing's 787 Dreamliner have been proven during a series of testing scenarios conducted since late 2007 and concluding this week. The tests were performed on a composite fuselage test section and are part of Boeing's certification efforts for the 787.
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