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Search Travel News Asia for: Borders

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Your search for Borders found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 17-24 of 841, with best matches first:

17. Qantas and Jetstar to Operate Thousands of Flights to Melbourne and Regional Victoria
Qantas has announced that it will operate thousands of flights to and from Melbourne and regional Victoria over summer following the New South Wales Government’s decision to open its borders.
18. Etihad Airways Reports Strong Start to Year with Q2 Heavily Impacted by COVID19
Etihad Airways' H1 2020 performance included the best monthly results to date for February, prior to the impact of COVID19, the subsequent closure of international borders, and the suspension of flights to and from the UAE from 24 March.
19. Marco Polo to Launch New Hotel Brand - Niccolo
Marco Polo Hotels, the Hong Kong-based hotel management company of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited, has launch its first new brand since the hotel group’s inception in 1986. The new luxury brand, Niccolo by Marco Polo, will be a collection of hotels to be opened in some of China’s most highly prized addresses, before expanding beyond the borders of China. The first Niccolo hotel will
20. Jamaica Automates Immigration with SITA Technology
Passengers arriving at the airports in Kingston and Montego Bay in Jamaica can now look forward to faster border clearance with the launch of new automated border control (ABC) kiosks. The kiosks, supplied by SITA, will use sophisticated biometric checks to process passengers quickly and securely. Passenger throughput at the borders is expected to increase by close to 60%. Jamaica
21. Japan, Singapore, Germany and South Korea Retain Top Spots in Henley Passport Index
The latest results from the Henley Passport Index, a ranking of all the world's passports according to the number of destinations their holders can access without a prior visa, provide exclusive insight into what post-pandemic travel freedom might look like as countries around the world selectively begin to open their borders to international visitors. Published by TravelNewsAsia.c
22. Delta to Operate Passenger Flights to Frankfurt and London
Demand for air cargo is driving the return of Delta's passenger services from the United States to Germany and the U.K. for the first time since the COVID19 pandemic closed borders. Beginning 21 May 2020, Delta will operate flights to Frankfurt and London thrice weekly from Atlanta and Detroit, respectively.
23. Etihad Airways to launch Flights to Minsk
Etihad Airways to launch Flights to Minsk. Located in Eastern Europe, Belarus borders Russia to the north and east, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west, and Lithuania and Latvia to the north. Minsk is the largest city in the country, with a population of 1.8 million. Most of Belarus' population of 9.85 million reside in the urban areas surrounding Minsk and other regional capi
24. Air Canada to Reduce International Network from 101 Airports to 6
Air Canada is gradually suspending the majority of its international and U.S. transborder flights by 31 March 2020, in response to decisions by national governments, including Canada and the United States, to close borders and restrict commercial aviation as a result of the COVID19 outbreak.

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