Search Results Your search for Airports found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 145-152 of 21587, with best matches first:
- 145. JAL Expands Shades Closed Trials
JAL Expands Shades Closed Trials. Japan Airlines is conducting a Shades Closed Exercise across 17 domestic airports in Japan and 5 airports overseas, where window shades of parked aircraft will be shut in order to block out the sunlight to keep temperatures in the interior from rising. By doing so, the amount of air conditioning required in the cabin prior to boarding and flight is
- 146. Heightened Security at all UK Airports
Heightened security at all airports in the UK. No hand luggage allowed. Details of what is permitted.
- 147. Passenger numbers at BAA airports up in August 2005
Passenger numbers at BAA airports up in August 2005.
- 148. Ryanair Condemns Unite’s Planned Airport Staff Strike
Ryanair Condemns Unite’s Planned Airport Staff Strike. Ryanair has said it would be forced to cancel up to 300 flights per day at Aberdeen, Edinburgh and London Stansted airports disrupting the travel plans of up to 50,000 passengers each day. Passengers who have not had flights cancelled should report to airports as normal.
- 149. BAA’s UK airports record 12.8 million passengers in October 2006
BAA’s UK airports record 12.8 million passengers in October 2006.
- 150. Volcanic Ash Returns to UK; More Flights Disrupted
Volcanic Ash Returns to UK; More Flights Disrupted. Airports in the UK have been forced to close as the Volcanic Ash enters airspace used by some of Europe's busiest airports. As with the previous volcanic ash disruptions, travellers should contact their airline before travelling to the airport and ensure that the airline has all your latest contact details.
- 151. Airports emerge as Shopping Destinations
Airports emerge as Shopping Destinations.
- 152. Safety confirmed for Nakorn Sri Thammarat and Krabi Airports
Safety confirmed for Nakorn Sri Thammarat and Krabi Airports
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