Search Results Your search for AAPA found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 33-40 of 5809, with best matches first:
- 33. Aviation Crisis Management Professionals Gather in Bangkok
Over 100 aviation crisis management and emergency response professionals are gathered in Bangkok, Thailand for the 5th AAPA Emergency Response Conference organised by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA), and co-hosted by Thai Airways International and Bangkok Airways.
- 34. AAPA Cautions Against Overreaction on Aviation Security
AAPA Cautions Against Overreaction on Aviation Security. Flying is widely recognised as the safest form of travel, reinforced by a robust regime of established security procedures. Unfortunately, it is human nature that each new security incident prompts a desire to introduce yet more security measures. There is always political pressure to react, but this often smacks of the need
- 35. AAPA Renews Criticism on EU Emissions Trading Scheme
The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) has renewed its criticism of the planned inclusion of international airline emissions within the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) from 2012. The scheme has provoked strong objections from international airlines and foreign governments.
- 36. Aviation Crisis Management and Emergency Response Being Discussed in Bangkok
Over 130 aviation crisis management and emergency response professionals are gathered in Bangkok for the 7th AAPA Emergency Response Conference organised by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA), and co-hosted by Japan Airlines.
- 37. AAPA Reports May 2010 Traffic
AAPA Reports May 2010 Traffic. Asia Pacific-based airlines carried a total of 14.6 million international passengers in May 2010, 17.6% more compared to the same month last year. International passenger traffic, measured in revenue passenger kilometres (RPK), grew by 14.6%. With a 3.3% expansion in capacity, the average international passenger load factor increased by 7.3 percentage
- 38. AAPA Reports Asia Pacific Airlines Traffic Results for June 2013
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of June 2013 show sustained growth in international passenger traffic, but prolonged weakness in air cargo markets. Asia Pacific airlines carried a combined total of 18.3 million international passengers in June, a 7.1% growth compared to the same month last year.
- 39. AAPA Reports January 2010 Traffic
AAPA Reports January 2010 Traffic. Collectively, airlines based in the Asia Pacific region carried a total of 14.9 million international passengers in January 2010, 8.1% more than in the same month last year. International passenger traffic, measured in revenue passenger kilometre (RPK) terms, grew by 7%. With available seat capacity having been trimmed by 0.7%, the average interna
- 40. AAPA Reports Asia Pacific Airline Traffic for September 2011
According to figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA), Asia Pacific based airlines flew a total of 16 million international passengers in September 2011, a growth of 5.4% compared to the same month last year, underpinned by business and leisure demand on Asian routes. Measured in revenue passenger kilometre terms (RPK), international passenger traffic grew by 5.
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