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Search Travel News Asia for: A321

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Your search for A321 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 9-16 of 1210, with best matches first:

9. LAN Airlines Takes Delivery of First Airbus A321
LAN Airlines has taken delivery of its first Airbus A321. The aircraft, the first of 48 of its kind ordered by the airline, will be operated on domestic routes within Chile and joins LATAM Group’s existing fleet of nearly 230 A320 Family aircraft in operation. The A321 aircraft ordered by LAN have a one-class configuration with 220 seats and feature a new LATAM Airlines Group’s cab
10. AerCap becomes Launch Customer for New Airbus A320/A321 Freighter
AerCap becomes Launch Customer for New Airbus A320/A321 Freighter. Belonging to the A320 Family, the A320/A321 Passenger To Freighter (P2F) converted aircraft offers a payload which varies from 21 to 28 metric tonnes. The aircraft’s range will be up to 2,100nm/3,700 km. Based on its initial design and wider fuselage section, it is possible to carry bulk or containerized freight in
11. Cebu Pacific Takes Delivery of First Airbus A321ceo
Cebu Pacific has taken delivery of the the first of 39 new Airbus A321 aircraft. While it can accommodate more seats and cargo, the A321 also provides enhanced passenger comfort. The first seven A321 deliveries comprise of the A321ceo (Current Engine Option) variants, with the next tranche of A321ceo deliveries scheduled in the coming months.
12. Delta Expands Airbus A321-200 Order; Defers 10 A350 Deliveries
Delta Air Lines has agreed with Airbus to place an expanded A321-200 order for 30 firm additional aircraft and to defer 10 of the airline’s 25 A350-900 aircraft deliveries set for 2019-2020 by two to three years with additional delivery flexibility.
13. EVA Air Takes Delivery of its First Airbus A321
EVA Air of Taiwan has become a new operator of Airbus single aisle aircraft following the delivery on Wednesday of its first A321. The aircraft is being leased from Aviation Capital Group (ACG) and is the first of 12 A321s ordered by the US lessor.
14. Philippine Airlines Takes Delivery of New Airbus A321
Philippine Airlines has taken delivery of its first Airbus A321. The aircraft is the first of 64 new Airbus aircraft ordered by the airline in 2012 under a major fleet modernisation programme which includes 44 single aisle A321s and 20 widebody A330s.
15. Vietnam Airlines orders 10 additional A321 aircraft
Vietnam Airlines orders 10 additional A321 aircraft.
16. Middle East Airlines takes delivery of First A321 from Airbus
Middle East Airlines takes delivery of First A321 from Airbus

Documents 9-16 of 1210 displayed.

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