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Search Travel News Asia for: 767

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Your search for 767 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 121-128 of 1272, with best matches first:

121. ANA to Provide OnAir Inflight Wi-Fi on International Routes
From summer 2013, Wi-Fi will be available on ANA’s international routes. The service will initially be made available on ANA’s Boeing 777-300ER and Boeing 767-300ER fleets serving ANA’s international network. The OnAir Wi-Fi service, ‘Internet OnAir’, will work in the same way as a Wi-Fi hotspot on the ground.
122. Hawaiian Airlines Launches Flights to Sendai, Japan
Hawaiian Airlines has launched flights between Honolulu and Sendai, its fifth gateway in Japan. Hawaiian operates the Honolulu-Sendai-Sapporo flights using Boeing 767-300ER aircraft that can seat up to 264 passengers.
123. Air Canada to Launch Vancouver - Dublin Flights
Air Canada has unveiled plans to launch non-stop flights between Vancouver and Dublin, Ireland next summer. The Vancouver - Dublin flights will be operated three times weekly by Air Canada's leisure airline, Air Canada rouge, with Boeing 767-300ER aircraft beginning 10 June 2016.
124. Delta Launches Flights Between New York and Edinburgh, Scotland
Delta Air Lines has expanded its global route network to Scotland with the launch of nonstop flights between New York's John F. Kennedy airport and Edinburgh. Delta's New York to Edinburgh service will initially be operated using an 163-seat Boeing 757-200ER, with a larger 210-seat widebody Boeing 767-300ER during the summer months, effective 8 June 2016. Beginning 5 September 2016
125. Delta to Add Wi-Fi Service to International Fleet
Delta Air Lines has confirmed that it will begin offering inflight internet service on its long-haul international fleet of more than 150 aircraft, which includes Boeing 777, 767, 747, Airbus 330 and transoceanic Boeing 757 aircraft in early 2013. The expanded Wi-Fi service will use satellites to provide coverage internationally and will complement the existing air-to-ground servic
126. Significant Flight Reductions, Route Suspensions and Redeployment at JAL
Significant Flight Reductions, Route Suspensions and Redeployment at JAL. With the high prices of jet fuel, the JAL Group has decided to carry out a bold review of its original FY2008 route, flight frequency and fleet plan further concentrating its resources on improving profitability and increasing competitiveness. The airline group aims to improve profitability by increasing flig
127. United Airlines Unveils Major International Expansion
United Airlines has unveiled plans to increase the number of international scheduled flights from its hubs in Chicago, Denver, New York/Newark and San Francisco.
128. Air Astana Establishes Cargo Division
Air Astana has established an international air cargo division. The decision to launch Air Astana Cargo results from a strong increase in the demand for regional freight transport in recent months and a strategic review of Air Astana's overall fleet plans in the wake of the global COVID19 pandemic.

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