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Search Travel News Asia for: "World Travel"

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Your search for World Travel found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 121-128 of 1792, with best matches first:

121. Shortlist of Finalists for 2009 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
Shortlist of Finalists for 2009 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has confirmed the 12 finalists for the 2009 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards. Under WTTC's stewardship since 2003, the awards recognise best practices in sustainable tourism in four different categories - Destination Stewardship, Conservation, Community Benefit and Global Tourism Busin
122. Finalists for 2010 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
Finalists for 2010 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has confirmed the 12 finalists for the 2010 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards. Under WTTC’s stewardship since 2003, the awards recognise best practice in sustainable tourism in four different categories – Destination Stewardship, Conservation, Community Benefit and Global Tourism Business. Over 160
123. HD Videos from WTM 2011 in London
As the World Travel Market in London is one of the most important travel trade shows in the world, ASIA Travel took the opportunity to have interview some of the leading players in the industry. Some of the below videos were taken at the WTM itself while others were done as a result of being in London for the trade show.
124. Global Travel & Tourism Summit to Take Place in Brazil 15-16 May
Global Travel & Tourism Summit to Take Place in Brazil 15-16 May. Transforming Economies and Removing Barriers Towards Global Integration through Travel & Tourism are two of the main themes of the 9th Global Travel and Tourism Summit, which is being organised under the patronage of His Excellency Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil, by the World Travel & Tourism Council
125. Africa’s Travel and Tourism Industry to Grow at Record Levels
According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), Africa is set to develop the world’s fastest growing travel and tourism market over the next 10 years, alongside Asia Pacific. This will be the key message of David Scowsill, President & CEO of WTTC, when he delivers his keynote speech to aviation and travel industry leaders at the 21st World Route Development Forum taking pla
126. Davos Declaration: Tourism must Respond to Climate Change
Davos Declaration: Tourism must Respond to Climate Change. The Davos Declaration and results of the conference will provide the basis for the UNWTO Minister's Summit on Tourism and Climate Change, scheduled at the World Travel Market, London, UK, 13 November 2007. It will be submitted for adoption at the UNWTO General Assembly in Cartagena de las Indias, Colombia, 23-29 November 20
127. Thailand to Showcase Brilliant Beaches Photo Exhibition in London
An exhibition of 24 stunning National Geographic photographs depicting Thailand’s Brilliant Beaches will open in London today (5 November 2013), and will remain on display during the World Travel Market (WTM) period. To be presided over by TAT Deputy Governor for International Marketing (Europe, Africa, Middle East and Americas), Mrs. Juthaporn Rerngronasa, along with National Geog
128. WTTC Creates Associate Membership for SMEs
The World Travel & Tourism Council has created a new membership category for small and medium-sized enterprises. The ‘Associate Membership’ is aimed at providing SMEs in the travel industry with a range of networking opportunities and access to the latest research, reports and policy papers.

Documents 121-128 of 1792 displayed.

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