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Search Travel News Asia for: "World Travel"

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Your search for World Travel found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 105-112 of 1792, with best matches first:

105. WTTC Confirms 'Uniting the World for Recovery' as Theme of Global Summit
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has confirmed “Uniting the World for Recovery” as the key theme for its annual Global Summit, taking place in Cancun, Mexico on 25-27 April. Published by on 22 March 2021.
106. Wanted: Globe Trotters for Asian Travel Adventure Competition
Wanted: Globe Trotters for Asian Travel Adventure Competition. GreatEscape2008: The Asian Scavenger Hunt, is looking for forty globetrotting adventurers to compete in the first of its kind Asian-centered scavenger hunt travel adventure competition. The winners will win a A$15,000 trip. Built on the same successful idea as its big brother around the world travel adventure competitio
107. WTTC Says UK Hotel Quarantines Would Cause Irreparable Damage to Industry
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has said that introducing hotel quarantines in the UK would cause irreparable damage to an industry which contributes nearly £200 billion to the UK economy. The UK has been one of the world's worst affected countries by the ongoing global COVID19 pandemic Published by on 26 January 2021.
108. Tourism Powerhouses Identified in New WTTC Ranking
China, the USA and India have taken the top three spots in the World Travel & Tourism Council’s (WTTC) new Travel & Tourism Power and Performance Report. Using WTTC’s annual economic impact data, this new report ranks the performance of 185 countries over the last seven-year period, combining four indicators: contribution of travel and tourism to GDP, international visitor spend, d
109. COVID19: WTTC Estimates 100+ Million Job Losses in Travel & Tourism Sector
According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the industry faces a staggering 100 million job losses due to the COVID19 pandemic. The startling figure, based on WTTC research, has increased by over 30% in just the last four weeks.
110. WTTC Publishes Report on Recovery of Travel and Tourism Industry
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has published a report that explores the implications of the trends for each of four key travel and tourism stakeholders: travellers, businesses, workforce, and communities.
111. WTTC Moves April’s Global Summit from Puerto Rico to Mexico
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has confirmed that its annual Global Summit will now be held in Cancun, Mexico, and not in Puerto Rico as originally planned. The event had been scheduled to take place in San Juan, Puerto Rico from 21 – 23 April 2020.
112. UNWTO to Discuss Mega Events at WTM in London
The eighth edition of the UNWTO/World Travel Market (WTM) Ministers’ Summit will gather Tourism Ministers and leading tourism experts from all over the world to debate the key issues around tourism and mega events on 4 November 2014 in London.

Documents 105-112 of 1792 displayed.

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