Search Results Your search for Smiths Detection found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 25-32 of 5167, with best matches first:
- 25. Smiths Detection wins $25.2 Million Contract for Advanced Checkpoint X-ray Systems
Smiths Detection wins $25.2 Million Contract for Advanced Checkpoint X-ray Systems. Smiths Detection has signed follow-on contracts worth $25.2 million with the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for additional Advanced Threat Identification X-Ray (aTiX) systems. The contract awards follow an initial TSA order of $21 million in October 2007 following successful trial
- 26. Smiths Detection Partners Analogic for NG Baggage Scanner
Smiths Detection Partners Analogic for NG Baggage Scanner. Smiths Detection has signed an agreement with Analogic to develop the next generation of high-speed Explosives Detection Systems for screening checked airport baggage. Under the agreement, both companies will utilise their complementary expertise in multi-energy x-ray technology and three-dimensional Computed Tomography (CT
- 27. Smiths Detection opens Production Plant in Germany for Advanced X-ray Detection Systems
Smiths Detection opens Production Plant in Germany for Advanced X-ray Detection Systems. Much of the output will comprise Smiths Detection’s Advanced Threat Identification X-ray (aTiX) systems which are already deployed in major UK and US airports such as Heathrow and Washington/Baltimore. Unlike conventional systems, aTiX captures multiple views of carry-on bags in a single sweep
- 28. Smiths Detection Equips New Airport Outside London
Smiths Detection has completed the aviation security contract for the newly opened terminal extension at Southend Airport, east of London. The project includes Smiths Detection’s high-speed automatic explosives X-Ray detection systems for checked baggage, carry-on baggage scanners and trace detection equipment.
- 29. Smiths Detection Selected to Enhance Airport Security @ Gatwick
Smiths Detection Selected to Enhance Airport Security @ Gatwick. Smiths Detection has won a £2 million contract to supply London’s Gatwick Airport with advanced x-ray scanners for hold baggage as a European Union deadline for tougher security standards approaches.
- 30. Smiths Detection launches Advanced People Screening System
Smiths Detection launches Advanced People Screening System. Smiths Detection has launched an advanced people-screener which for the first time uses electronic, real-time imaging in a standard checkpoint layout to detect concealed weapons or explosives.
- 31. Smiths Detection Wins US$43.5 million TSA Order
Smiths Detection Wins US$43.5 million TSA Order. Smiths Detection has won an order valued at US$43.5 million from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for its Advanced Technology X-ray systems to be deployed at airport checkpoints across the United States. The order for HI-SCAN 6040aTiX systems is one of the first delivery orders placed against
- 32. Smiths Detection launches HI-SCAN 7555aTiX at Inter Airport Europe
Smiths Detection launches HI-SCAN 7555aTiX at Inter Airport Europe. Smiths Detection launched its automatic X-ray inspection system HI-SCAN 7555aTiX, especially designed for checked baggage and air cargo, at Inter Airport Europe 2009 on Tuesday.
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