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Your search for Malaysia Airlines found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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177. HD Videos from Farnborough International Airshow 2012
At the end of a busy trade week, orders and commitments announced at this years Farnborough International Airshow have been confirmed at US$72 covering a total of 758 aircraft. The figures represent a 53% increase on the 2010 show and close to the 2008 figure when sales peaked at US$88billion. To add further weight to the shows success, 20% of exhibitors have already rebooked for
178. Pictures from Farnborough International Airshow - Page 5 of 5
Page 5 of 5. Farnborough International Airshow, one of the worlds largest airshows, opened on Monday, 9 July 2012. The air show is the biggest outdoor event in the UK this year barring the Olympic Games and the Queens Jubilee celebrations. High resolution HD pictures from Farnborough International Airshow 2012.
179. Pictures from Farnborough International Airshow - Page 1 of 5
Page 1 of 5. Farnborough International Airshow, one of the worlds largest airshows, opened on Monday, 9 July 2012. The air show is the biggest outdoor event in the UK this year barring the Olympic Games and the Queens Jubilee celebrations. High resolution HD pictures from Farnborough International Airshow 2012.
180. Doric Lease Corp Signs MOU for 20 Airbus A380s
Doric Lease Corp has signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the purchase of 20 A380s. Doric already has significant experience with the A380, ranking as the third largest wide-body lessor worldwide by value, and the worlds largest asset manager of leased A380s. Doric has a US$6 billion aircraft portfolio under management, including 18 A380s acquired through sale-leaseback arrang
181. Pictures from Farnborough International Airshow - Page 4 of 5
Page 4 of 5. Farnborough International Airshow, one of the worlds largest airshows, opened on Monday, 9 July 2012. The air show is the biggest outdoor event in the UK this year barring the Olympic Games and the Queens Jubilee celebrations. High resolution HD pictures from Farnborough International Airshow 2012.
182. Around 130,000 Expected to Visit Farnborough Airshow this Weekend
The star of the Farnborough Weekend Airsshow will be the 5-hour flying spectacular. This year sees two jet teams display the Red Arrows and the Breitling Jet team as well as other aerobatic treats from The Blades, solo pilot Mark Jeffries and the Breitling wing walkers. The roar and thunder of military fighter jets is sure to set hearts racing as they fly over Farnborough, and
183. Flight Displays of a US Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey and Korea's Black Eagles in a T50B
In the HD videos below you will see one of the most unusual-looking aircraft, an U.S. Marine Corps Bell Boeing MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor, and one of the world's best aerobatic flying teams the Black Eagles from the Republic of South Korea's Air Force performing, and stunning the crowd, in a super agile T50B.
184. Russias UTair Orders 20 Airbus A321s
Russias UTair signed a firm contract with Airbus for 20 A321 aircraft during the Farnborough Air Show. This is the largest order for the type received from a carrier in the region and the first time that UTair has ordered Airbus aircraft.

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