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Search Travel News Asia for: "Malaysia Airlines"

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Your search for Malaysia Airlines found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 161-168 of 6954, with best matches first:

161. Malaysia Airlines announces Third Quarter Results 2002/03
Malaysia Airlines announces Third Quarter Results 2002/03
162. Malaysia and Japan Airlines to Cooperate on Flights from 25 July 2020
Malaysia Airlines and Japan Airlines are to cooperate commercially on flights between Malaysia and Japan, effective 25 July 2020.
163. Malaysia Airlines A380 in Flying Display @ Farnborough 2012
If I asked you to think of flying displays at international airshows, most would probably picture fast military jets roaring through the sky, and smaller aircraft showcasing their speed and acrobatic abilities. The world's largest commercial aircraft would not jump to mind for most.
164. UK Court Gives Malaysia Airlines Green Light for Creditors Meeting
Malaysia Aviation Group has received approval from a court in the UK to proceed with a major component of the group's comprehensive restructuring. Published by on 22 January 2021.
165. Malaysia Airlines Chairman Announces Retirement
Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Munir bin Abdul Majid is to stand down as Chairman of Malaysian Airline System when his current term expires on 31 July 2011. Tan Sri Dr. Munir, who is also Chairman of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad, has enjoyed a distinguished career in the Malaysian private and public sectors.
166. Singapore Airlines and SilkAir to Increase Services to Kuala Lumpur
Singapore Airlines and SilkAir to Increase Services to Kuala Lumpur. SilkAir will commence twice daily flights between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur from 26 October 2008, while Singapore Airlines will operate five daily flights. From 1 December, Singapore Airlines and SilkAir will operate four flights each. Together with Malaysia Airlines, the three carriers will offer up to 15 flight
167. Captain Izham Ismail Joins IATA's Board of Governors
Captain Izham Ismail, Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia Airlines and the Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG), has been appointed to the Board of Governors of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Izham will serve a three-year term until 2024. In his role as member of the Board of Governors, he will participate in providing policy directives and
168. MASwings and Firefly take Delivery of New ATR 72-500s
MASwings and Firefly take Delivery of New ATR 72-500s. Malaysia Airlines’ subsidiaries MASwings and Firefly, and ATR, has taken delivery of the first ATR 72-500s of MASwings and the second ATR 72-500 of Firefly. Firefly took delivery earlier in August of its first ATR aircraft, which made its inaugural flight on August 19th. The MASwings and Firefly aircraft are the first ATRs to o

Documents 161-168 of 6954 displayed.

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