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Search Travel News Asia for: "Andrew Herdman"

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Your search for Andrew Herdman found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 9-16 of 2323, with best matches first:

9. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 23.2 Million Passengers in October 2015
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for October 2015 reveal that growth in international air passenger demand remained encouraging, whilst soft air cargo market conditions persisted. Taken together, the region's airlines registered a 6.5% growth in the number of international passengers carried compared to the same month last year, bring
10. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 28.2 Million Passengers in September 2018
The region's airlines registered a 5.9% year-on-year increase in the number of international passengers carried to a combined total of 28.2 million for the month. Underscoring strength in both regional and long haul travel markets, demand as measured in revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) recorded a 6.0% increase. The average international passenger load factor climbed 1.0 percentag
11. Traffic Results from Asia Pacific Airlines in October 2016
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of October 2016 show further growth in international air passenger markets, albeit at a slower pace, and a firm increase in air cargo demand.
12. Videos - High Definition Video Gallery - Archive Page 23
Archive page 23. All the videos on ASIA Travel are shot using High Definition (HD) 1920 x 1080 (or greater) video recorders, and in addition to our ASIA Travel YouTube Account, many of the HD videos are also contained within articles featured here on ASIA Travel
13. Air Transport Industry Achieves Safest Year on Record in 2017
Looking more closely at the data, there were three major accidents involving large western-built commercial airline jets, which resulted in a total of 40 fatalities. Asia Pacific carriers experienced one major accident involving large western-built commercial airline jets, with zero crew and passenger fatalities.
14. HD Videos from AAPA's 60th Assembly of Presidents in Manila, Philippines
Below you will find all the videos we took during the event. This includes the pre-opening press conference, welcome speeches, opening address, two very interesting panel discussions, a presentation from Boeing and the closing press conference.
15. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 316.8 Million International Passengers in 2017; Up 6.2%
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the full calendar year 2017 show that both international air passenger and air cargo markets enjoyed robust growth, underpinned by an acceleration in economic activity across most regions.
16. Aviation: Global Passenger Traffic Results Show Continued Robust Demand
Asia-Pacific airlines’ November traffic climbed 10.8% compared to the year-ago period, driven by strong regional economic growth and continuing expansion of options for travelers. Capacity increased 8.7% and load factor rose 1.5 percentage points to 78.6%.

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