Search Results Your search for Air Cargo found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 49-56 of 5467, with best matches first:
- 49. Qantas Airways and CTI Holding of Thailand establish Thai Air Cargo
Qantas Airways and CTI Holding of Thailand establish Thai Air Cargo.
- 50. IATA Calls on Air Cargo Industry to Continue Working Together
IATA has urged the air cargo industry to continue working together at the same pace, with the same levels of cooperation as during the COVID19 pandemic to overcome future challenges and build industry resilience. Published by on 13 October 2021.
- 51. Boeing Forecasts Air Cargo Traffic to Double in 20 Years
Boeing has forecast that air cargo operators will need more than 2,600 freighters over the next two decades to keep up with increasing global freight traffic, which is expected to double with 4.2% growth annually.
- 52. Air Cargo Industry Must Act Now to Avoid Leadership Crisis
A task force led by The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) with active participation from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Federation of Freight Forwarder Associations (FIATA) has published the results of a two-year research project. The research project focused on identifying edu
- 53. NAS to Manage Aqaba Air Cargo Terminal for Another 20 Years
National Aviation Services (NAS), a Kuwait-based airport services provider, has renewed its contract with the Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC) and Aqaba Airports Company (AAC) to operate and manage Aqaba Air Cargo Terminal (AACT) for another 20 years. Published by on 3 May 2021.
- 54. Hong Kong Air Cargo Renews IOSA Registration
Hong Kong Air Cargo has successfully renewed its IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) registration for the next two years. Effective 9 February 2020 through to 8 February 2022. The IATA IOSA is internationally recognised and accepted as an evaluation programme designed to assess the operational management and control systems of an airline.
- 55. Air Freight Markets Report Very Modest Growth in September 2015
IATA's global air freight data shows very modest growth in September 2015. Measured in Freight Tonne Kilometers, air cargo volumes rose 1.0% compared to the same month a year ago. This is a slight improvement on the August performance when volumes were broadly stable. Overall, however, air cargo volumes remain 1.2% down from their 2014 year-end peak.
- 56. IATA Reports November 2015 Air Cargo Results
IATA's data for global air freight markets shows that air cargo volumes (measured in Freight Tonne Kilometers) were down 1.2% in November 2015 when compared to November 2014. The negative year-on-year results occurred across all regions with the exception of the Middle East. Of the major markets that together comprise more than 80% of total trade, Europe was down 2.0%, North Americ
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