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Search Travel News Asia for: "Air Cargo"

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Your search for Air Cargo found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 41-48 of 5467, with best matches first:

41. Hong Kong Air Cargo Applies to Expand Network
Whilst the demand for air cargo is strengthening, the lack of passenger fleet belly capacity has created serious cargo shortages. Export orders are a good indicator of the demand for cargo services, and manufactures are dealing with exceptionally high volumes requiring additional capacity in and out of Hong Kong. Published by on 9 December 2020.
42. Air Cargo Supply Lines Must Remain Open
The COVID19 crisis has seen almost the entire world-wide passenger aircraft fleet grounded, a fleet which normally transports almost half of total air cargo shipments. Airlines are scrambling to meet the gap between cargo demand and available lift by all means possible, including re-introducing freighter services and using passenger aircraft for cargo operations. To support these e
43. Hong Kong Air Cargo Launches Pilot Recruitment Drive
Hong Kong Air Cargo has embarked on a recruitment drive for pilots. The airline currently has about 75 pilots and is aiming to hire around 10 more, an increase of approximately 13.3%. Published by on 1 April 2021.
44. Hong Kong Air Cargo Signs N-Ops & Crew Contract with Navblue
Hong Kong Air Cargo (HKAC) has signed a N-Ops & Crew contract with NAVBLUE. Formerly known as the N-Raido, the single solution, N-Ops & Crew will provide HKAC with the ability to plan and distribute their network schedules, maintain full operations control with configurable rules, as well as mange and optimise crew schedule planning, day-of-ops crew control, crew training and quali
45. Air Cargo: IATA Launches One Source
IATA has launched One Source, an online platform which helps the air cargo industry match shipping needs with the availability of infrastructure capabilities and certifications of service providers across the value chain.
46. July Air Cargo Demand Stable; Capacity Remains Constrained
Asia-Pacific airlines saw demand for international air cargo fall by 15.3% in July 2020 compared to the same period a year earlier. After a robust initial recovery in May, month-on-month growth seasonally-adjusted demand has softened. International capacity decreased 32%.
47. Strong Variations in Regional Performance of Air Cargo in 2020
Demand for air cargo decreased by 10.6% in 2020, the largest drop in year-on-year demand since IATA started monitoring cargo performance in 1990, outpacing the 6% fall in global trade in goods. Asia-Pacific airlines reported a decline in demand of 15.2% in 2020 compared to 2019 (-13.2% for international operations) and a fall in capacity of 27.4% (-26.2% for international operation
48. Global Air Cargo Demand Continues to Improve
Asia-Pacific airlines saw demand for international air cargo fall 11.6% in October 2020 compared to the same month a year earlier. This was an improvement from the 14.6% fall in September 2020 and the second consecutive month of improvement. Published by on 7 December 2020.

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