Search Results Your search for Air Cargo found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 121-128 of 5467, with best matches first:
- 121. Asia Pacific Airlines Carried 29 Million Int. Passengers in November 2018
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of November 2018 show sustained growth in international air passenger markets, underpinned by continued strength in the global services sectors. Air cargo volumes remained relatively high but demand growth was almost flat for the month.
- 122. Air Cargo: FTKs Down 4.5% in September 2019
IATA's September 2019 data for global air freight markets shows that demand, measured in freight tonne kilometers (FTKs), decreased by 4.5%, compared to the same month in 2018. This marks the eleventh consecutive month of year-on-year decline in freight volumes, the longest period since the global financial crisis in 2008.
- 123. Competition and Weak Cargo Markets Dampen 2013 Earnings for Asia Pacific Airlines
Preliminary financial performance figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) reveal that Asia Pacific airlines recorded US$2.5 billion in combined net earnings in 2013, a 55% fall compared to the US$5.6 billion reported for the year 2012. Profitability succumbed to widespread yield pressures arising from stiff market competition and lacklustre air cargo demand.
- 124. 8th World Cargo Symposium Begins with Call for Cut in Transit Times
IATA commenced its 8th World Cargo Symposium in Los Angeles with a call for the average end-to-end transit time to be cut by up to 48 hours by the end of the decade. WCS has attracted a record attendance level of more than 1000 delegates. The entire spectrum of the air cargo supply chain is represented, including leaders from airlines, freight forwarders, shippers, ground handlers,
- 125. Smiths Detection Launches New Air Cargo Scanner
The compact HI-SCAN 145180-2is is capable of screening objects up to 57” x 71” (145 cm x 180 cm), meeting the maximum skid/pallet size allowed by the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The dual-view capability speeds throughput by providing the operator with two high-resolution adjoining images, eliminating the need to scan twice to obtain the same information.
- 126. Delta and Korean Air to Enhance Cargo Operations
Delta Air Lines Cargo and Korean Air Cargo have unveiled plans to combine their resources to offer enhanced cargo services across one of the most comprehensive route networks in the trans-Pacific market. The move comes after the recent implementation of the trans-Pacific Joint Venture partnership between the two airlines.
- 127. Asia Pacific Airlines Profitability Sustained in 2016
Preliminary financial performance figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) reveal that Asia Pacific airlines registered US$6.9 billion in aggregate net earnings for the full year 2016. Solid growth in passenger demand, coupled with renewed strength in air cargo markets, helped negate yield pressures resulting from stiff competition, while the fall in jet fuel pr
- 128. Asia Pacific Airlines Latest Traffic Results
Preliminary traffic figures from the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) for the month of May 2015 show further gains in international passenger demand and air cargo markets. Boosted by strong leisure travel demand, the region's carriers recorded an 11.8% increase in the number of international passengers carried in May to an aggregate total of 22.9 million.
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