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Search Travel News Asia for: "Oetker Collection"

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Your search for Oetker Collection found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 97-104 of 303, with best matches first:

97. GHMs First Ski Resort to Open in Time for 2013/2014 Ski Season
GHMs first ski resort is scheduled to open in time for the Winter 2013/2014 Ski Season. Nestled in the Urseren Valley at the foot of some of the Switzerlands most exhilarating ski slopes, The Chedi Andermatt will debut as a centrepiece of the Andermatt Swiss Alps project, the largest integrated year-round holiday destination currently under development in the canton of Uri, Swit
98. Sofitel to Open Four Hotels in Asia Pacific in 2013
Sofitel plans to open four new properties in Asia Pacific this year. The new openings will bring Sofitels regional portfolio to 42 hotels in operation. Sofitels Asia Pacific expansion is part of the companys plans to be present in all of the world's major cities, with a target of 150 hotels by 2015.
99. Boeing to Consolidate Flight Training Facilities in North America
Boeing has decided to consolidate its flight training capabilities in North America including its 787 flight and maintenance training at the Boeing Flight Services training campus in Miami. Boeing will relocate all full-flight simulators and other devices from Seattle to Miami, starting with two 787 training suites.
100. FCm Travel Solutions Adds Ghana to Global Network
FCm Travel Solutions has extended its partner network in Africa with a new office in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. FCm recently signed a new partner agreement with Stellar Travel Ltd, a leading corporate and retail travel agency in West Africa. The business is part of the Stellar Group, which is a major supplier of support services to the travel, logistics, hospitality, retail,
101. School Children from Indonesia Urge Global Tourism Leaders to Take Climate Change More Seriously
School children from Pangandaran, Indonesia, have urged global tourism leaders to take climate change seriously. The 451 participants of the Mangrove Ambassadors Programme voiced out through a selection of 24 Letters to Leaders how climate change is affecting their daily lives at one of the most popular tourism destinations in Indonesia.
102. Lanith Luang Prabang a New Hospitality Complex & Training Centre
Lanith Luang Prabang (LLP) hosted an open house on 28 February 2013 to introduce its new hospitality complex and training centre to some 150 guests, including Laos ministry officials, government department directors, local business owners, and a large delegation from Luxembourg along with dignitaries from several neighbouring countries.
103. Macca to Lead Elite Pro Field at Inaugural Laguna Lang C Triathlon 2013
International triathlon legend Chris Macca McCormack will lead a strong group of elite international pro athletes at the inaugural Laguna Lăng C Triathlon 2013, being staged on 14th April at Laguna Lăng C in Vietnam. McCormack, a two-time Ironman World Champion acclaimed as one of the most successful athletes in triathlon history, joins fellow Australians Belinda and Ju
104. Not Just Rugby at the HK Sevens; Beach Boys to Perform and More!
The Hong Kong Rugby Football Union (HKRFU) has unveiled details of the entertainment extravaganza on offer for fans at the 2013 Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens (22-24 March at the Hong Kong Stadium). For the first time in the 38-year history of the Sevens, the HKRFU is inviting Sevens fans to rate their favourite Songs of the Sevens, and suggest new Sevens anthems to be played

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