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Search Travel News Asia for: "Lemon Tree Hotels"

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Your search for Lemon Tree Hotels found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 9-16 of 50, with best matches first:

9. Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa, Maldives appoints Jens Moesker as General Manager
Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa, Maldives appoints Jens Moesker as General Manager. The Shangri-La's Villingili Resort and Spa, Maldives has appointed Jens Moesker as general manager and Gerhard Fink as the director of sales and marketing. The Shangri-La’s Villingili Resort and Spa, Maldives, located on the Addu Atoll is scheduled to open in the fourth quarter 2008.
10. JAL International Given Permission to Operate Flights on Japan -Taiwan routes
JAL International Given Permission to Operate Flights on Japan -Taiwan routes. JAL International has been given permission by the Japanese Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport to operate its own flights between Japan and Taiwan. At present, only the JAL Group subsidiary airline, Japan Asia Airways (JAA), is permitted to operate on this routing using its ‘EG’ designator.
11. Hotels in Shanghai launch Hairy Crab Promotion
Hotels in Shanghai launch Hairy Crab Promotion. The speciality Shanghai Hairy Crab season has arrived and to celebrate WORLDHOTELS' properties in Shanghai have launched a promotion which allows guests to enjoy a 5 or 6-course dinner including the seasonal treat and double frequent flyer points. Until the end of December 2007, The Central Hotel, The Donghu Hotel and The Seagull Hote
12. Applications Open for ICCA Youth Forum at AIME 2008
Applications Open for ICCA Youth Forum at AIME 2008. Reed Travel Exhibitions has confirmed it will once again host the ICCA Youth Forum at AIME 2008 in Melbourne, Australia. It will be the eighth staging of the popular Forum that brings together young industry professionals from the Asia Pacific region to learn more about the global business events industry.
13. Six Senses to launch New Brand as Group Rebrands
Six Senses to launch New Brand as Group Rebrands. Six Senses has commenced rebranding their Evason Hideaway properties to Six Senses Hideaway. The group says the rebranding is in response to market surveys which showed that 'Six Senses' - a group brand that has thus far been reserved for the Six Senses Spa division - enjoyed high global recognition and was indicative of the lifesty
14. Embraer creates Environmental Office
Embraer creates Environmental Office. In the search for alternative fuels, Embraer was the pioneer aeronautics company to certify an airplane powered by alcohol, in 2004. The Ipanema is the first series aircraft in the world to leave the factory certified to fly with this type of fuel. Alcohol is three to four times cheaper than aviation gasoline (avgas). Furthermore, alcohol power
15. bmi to launch Flights between London Heathrow and Dammam
bmi to launch Flights between London Heathrow and Dammam. bmi is to launch flights to Dammam in Saudi Arabia. The new Dammam service, set to begin in early 2008, will operate three times a week on a wide-bodied Airbus A330 aircraft and is expected to build on the success of flights to bmi’s existing Saudi destinations – Riyadh, which launched in September 2005, and Jeddah in April
16. Singapore Airlines Cargo launches E-Freight Programme
Singapore Airlines Cargo launches E-Freight Programme. Over the past several months, the airline has been working closely with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and actively engaging key industry players like freight forwarders, ground handling agents, local customs administrations and airport authorities at several locations to prepare for the pilot programme.

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