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Search Travel News Asia for: "Loyal Wingman"

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Your search for Loyal Wingman found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 233-240 of 315, with best matches first:

233. Airbnb Reports Increase in Long-Term Stays
According to a recent New York Times and Morning Consult survey, one in three workers said they would move to a new city or state if remote working continues. Airbnb, the popular home sharing platform, has also reported a rising trend when it comes to longer-term stays, as the ongoing global COVID19 pandemic changes the way many of us work, live and travel.
234. CWT Unveils Leadership Team of RoomIt & Commercial Business Unit
CWT has unveiled the leadership team of its newly created RoomIt & Commercial business unit. Headed by President, RoomIt & Commercial, Patrick Andersen, the newly formed unit will maintain the continued growth of CWT’s innovative hotel and business travel offering, optimize product potential for customers and travelers, and maximize the joint potential from supplier partnerships.
235. Boeing Receives Order for Two 737-800BCFs; Will Expand Production
Boeing has received a firm order from an undisclosed customer for two 737-800 Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF), and signed agreements to open additional conversion lines in Guangzhou, China, and Singapore.
236. HTM Orders Two Airbus H145 Helicopters
HTM-Helicopters has signed a contract with Airbus for the purchase of two additional H145 helicopters. HTM will be the first operator to use the new five-bladed H145 in the Offshore Wind segment.
237. British Airways to Launch Flights to Lahore, Pakistan
British Airways has confirmed that it will launch four flights per week between London Heathrow and Lahore, Pakistan, from 12 October 2020. Lahore, known as the ‘City of Gardens’, will be the second city in Pakistan that British Airways will operate to, following the relaunch of services to Islamabad.
238. Finnair Working with Terveystalo to Offer Coronavirus Tests Prior to Travel
Finnair is working with Terveystalo, a private Finnish healthcare service company, to offer customers access to coronavirus testing prior to travel. The service will be launched on 28 September 2020.
239. Boeing, Honeywell and Rolls-Royce Partner to Service H-47 Chinook Engines
Boeing, Honeywell Aerospace and Rolls-Royce Deutschland have reached an agreement to provide in-service support of the T-55 engine should the government of Germany select the H-47 Chinook for its Schwerer Transporthubschrauber (STH) heavy-lift helicopter requirement.
240. Hong Kong Disneyland to Reopen 25 September
Hong Kong Disneyland park will reopen to the public on 25 September 2020. At the beginning, the park will only open five days per week, remaining closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, (except public holidays and special days designated by the resort from time to time) until further notice.

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