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Your search for TIME found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 217-224 of 16855, with best matches first:

217. Global Hotel Rates Climb in February
Global Hotel Rates Climb in February. February 2011 global distribution system (GDS) bookings, representing the mostly corporate market, grew a substantial +23.5%, driving revenue up +36.8% over 2010. Both length of stay and booking lead time for this segment also expanded. Forward-looking data shows this segment displaying average monthly growth of more than +20% through July, wit
218. Tradition Valley Wins Hong Kong Tens 2011
Tradition Valley Wins Hong Kong Tens. Hong Kong’s Tradition Valley held off a second half fight back from the all-star BGC Asia Pacific Barbarians to win the Cup Final at the GFI HKFC Tens 28-24 at Hong Kong Football Club. After disposing of top seeds Samurai in the quarter-finals, recently crowned 2010/11 G4S Domestic League Grand Champions Tradition Valley led 21-7 at half-time t
219. SAS to Launch Business Program for SMEs
SAS is preparing to launch a new program designed to make it easier for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to book tickets and get a discount immediately at the time of purchase.
220. Red Arrows, Canadian Snowbirds and F4 Phantom to Support Aerobility’s Armchair Airshow
Aviators from around the world are coming together in support of disabled flying, giving their time to participate in Aerobility’s Armchair Airshow 2021, which will livestream on Saturday, 29 May at 14:00 BST (GMT+1). The Red Arrows will be joined by The Royal Canadian Air Force’s display team, The Snowbirds, Rich Goodwin’s Jet Pitts, The Memphis Belle as well as Spitfires from the
221. Vietjet to Move Operations to Changi's T4
Vietjet will move its operations at Changi International Airport in Singapore from Terminal 3 to Terminal 4 (T4) on 6 March 2018. The forthcoming shift in operation will help to reduce travel time by bus from the aircraft parking area to the terminal.
222. Travel Trade Shows and Exhibitions in 2019, 2020 and 2021 - Calendar of Events
Calendar of travel trade shows and exhibitions from around the world. Attending travel trade shows and conferences is not only time consuming but can be very costly as well, so choosing which to attend is paramount to the success of your business. Some travel trade shows do host buyers, covering airfares and hotel etc., so it is always worth asking the travel trade show whether tha
223. Amadeus e-Travel Management launches New Features
Amadeus e-Travel Management launches New Features. Amadeus has launched a new version of Amadeus e-Travel Management (v10.1). Specific enhancements have been developed to enable travellers and travel managers to improve real-time communication - using handheld wireless devices while on the move. The new features should also help travellers to further streamline their travel booking
224. Omega Launches London 2012 Olympic Games TV Commercial
Omega, the official timekeeper of the London 2012 Olympic Games, has unveiled its global advertising campaign for the London Games, celebrating the brand’s rich Olympic history and the great moments in time that are at the heart of the Olympic movement.

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