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Search Travel News Asia for: Ajman

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Your search for Ajman found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 193-200 of 864, with best matches first:

193. Record Earnings for Asia Pacific Airlines in 2010
Preliminary financial performance figures released by the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) show that Asia Pacific-based carriers in aggregate reported a record US$9.5 billion in net profits in 2010, a major turnaround from US$1.7 billion in net losses suffered in the previous year.
194. Press Conference with President of Air Astana
On 27 April 2011, Mr. Peter Foster, the eloquent President of Kazakhstan's national airline, Air Astana gave a very in-depth media presentation. In this, the first part of three, he shares the airline's audited results, discusses the plans for the airline's fleet, why some aircraft are leased and others purchased, their plans for the Central Asia region, whether the Middle Eastern
195. Garuda Indonesia to Launch Singapore - Makassar Flights
Garuda Indonesia is to launch a new daily service from Singapore to Makassar, from 1 June 2011. The introduction of this route is inline with the airlines plans to develop Makassar as its third domestic hub, after Jakarta and Bali, and gateway to East Indonesia.
196. Amadeus Pilots Content Store in Middle East
Amadeus has signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with Travel Boutique Online, an online B2B travel platform that aggregates travel content and makes it available for selling to over 14,000 travel agents across India and the Middle East. Under the terms of this LoI, travel agencies in the Middle East using the Amadeus global distribution system will have access to over 100,000 world-wide
197. Emirates A380 to Celebrate Romes Fiumicino Airports 50th Anniversary
Emirates A380 to Celebrate Romes Fiumicino Airports 50th Anniversary. Emirates is sending its popular A380 aircraft to Rome to mark Fiumicino airport's 50th anniversary, along with 150 years of Italian unification. On 6 June 2011, the superjumbo replaces EK 97 and EK 98 - departing Dubai at 0855hrs and arriving in Rome at 1315hrs. The flight leaves Fiumicino at 1645hrs and arrive
198. Qatar Executive to Double Fleet
Qatar Airways corporate jet division, Qatar Executive, is to add three new Bombardier aircraft to its fleet starting from later this month. Forging ahead to meet the growing demand for business jet services from the Middle East and globally, the carrier has swiftly taken measures to increase its fleet capacity to cater to the surge in private travel in the region and worldwide.
199. IATA Reports Global Airline Traffic for March 2011
According to IATA, scheduled international traffic results for March 2011 show that year-on-year growth in passenger demand slowed to 3.8% from the 5.8% recorded in February 2011. Conversely, year-on-year growth in freight markets rebounded to 3.7% in March from the 1.8% recorded in February. Compared to February, global passenger demand fell by 0.3% in March, while cargo demand ex
200. 2011 Premier Travel Awards for Excellence
2011 Premier Travel Awards for Excellence, International travel awards, you can now vote in the 2011 Premier Travel Awards for Excellence. Hotels, bars and restaurants in Asia.

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