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Search Travel News Asia for: "Viva Aerobus"

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Your search for Viva Aerobus found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 9-16 of 156, with best matches first:

9. World's Sharpest Nail Clippers? Exclusive HD Video Interview with Suwada Blacksmith Works
The katana, a sword traditionally used by samurai warriors of feudal Japan, is widely regarded as one of the sharpest swords in the world - but what has that got to do with nail clippers?! Exclusive HD video interview with Tatsuki Mizunuma of Suwada Blacksmith Works.. Based in Niigata, Japan we talk to Tatsuki-san about what makes Suwada nail clippers so special and why the company
10. Asia Pacific Airlines’ August 2016 Traffic Up 5.6%
Asia Pacific airlines’ August 2016 traffic climbed 5.6% compared to a year-ago. Capacity rose 6.8% and load factor slipped down 0.9 percentage points to 81.9%. There are signs of Asian travelers continuing to be put-off by recent terrorism in Europe. Traffic on Europe-Asia routes grew just 1.5% in July, the most recent month for which route-specific figures are available, while int
11. HD Videos from JATA Tourism Expo 2016
The JATA Tourism Expo 2016 took place at Big Sight Convention Centre in Ariake, Tokyo between 22 and 25 September 2016. Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia was at the event and had the opportunity to interview the following five VIPs.
12. Daniela Otero Appointed CEO of Skal International
Daniela Otero has been appointed as CEO of Skal International. Daniela joins Skal from Royal Caribbean Cruises where she held the position of Marketing & Revenue Manager. Daniela will take up the CEO role with Skal at its World Congress in Monaco on 27th October.
13. Oakwood Signs Second Property in Singapore
Oakwood has signed a management agreement with OUE Limited for its second property in Singapore. The Oakwood Premier OUE Singapore at OUE Downtown is scheduled to open in 2017. OUE Downtown is an integrated mixed-use development that is expected to inject vibrancy to the financial corridor between Raffles Place and Tanjong Pagar. It comprises serviced residences, retail and premium
14. FEC Heliports to Provide HEMS-Star to Mexico and Philippines
FEC Heliports has signed a deal to supply a HEMS-Star portable LED helipad lighting systems to the Mexican and Philippines Navy. The contracts mark the first sale of HEMS-Star to naval customers as well as the first sale in the Central America region.
15. Singapore Airlines and Air Mauritius Sign Codeshare Agreement
Singapore Airlines and Air Mauritius have signed a codeshare agreement. The deal allows Singapore Airlines to add its ‘SQ’ designator code to Air Mauritius-operated flights between Singapore and Mauritius. Air Mauritius currently operates three flights per week on the route.
16. CPN Launches Onshore Travel Planner App for Japanese Ports
Cruise Port Navigation (CPN), a travel services company based in Los Angeles, California and Odawara, Japan, has launched a mobile app that allows cruise passengers to plan their onshore activities while their ship is at port. The Cruise Port Navigator app, described by CPN as a “virtual tour guide” for cruisers, features a guide to Japan and overview of major Japanese cruise ports

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