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Search Travel News Asia for: England

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Your search for England found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 273-280 of 5027, with best matches first:

273. Hong Kong to Play Australia in First Game of HK Cricket Sixes this Weekend
With the firm belief that this is their year, Hong Kong will be going all out to set the 2012 Karp Group Hong Kong Sixes alight from the very first ball with the home team scheduled to play in the first game on Saturday (27 October 2012) against 2010 champions Australia (08.30).
274. Results from the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Day 2
Results from the second day of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens. The weather has turned for the better. The sun is out, it's hot, the crowds singing, drinking and having an overall good time. The costumes in the South Stand are as wild and imaginative as ever, and the playing conditions are ideal. The first game finished with a 56 - 5 Tonga win against Hong Kong. The second game how
275. Six Nations to Compete in Tianjin Snow Polo Competition
Six Nations to Compete in Tianjin Snow Polo Competition. The Tianjin Goldin Metropolitan Polo Club, a new polo club with some of the largest facilities in China, will host Asia’s first ‘Snow Polo’ tournament between 15 - 20 February 2011. The Metropolitan International Snow Polo Challenge Tournament will be a competition between six teams from the world’s leading polo playing natio
276. Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens Set for Kick Off!
With a new format for the Cathay Pacific/HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2012, this year’s event is shaping up to be the most competitive tournament held in the 37-year history of the world-famous Hong Kong Sevens. Hong Kong retains its unique status as the largest event on the HSBC Sevens World Series with 24 teams as opposed to 16 at other circuit events, but the tournament has a unique ne
277. Results from 2013 Hong Kong Sevens
Fiji emerged the deserved winners of the 2013 Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens. Playing with the type of speed and intelligence that comes from being one of very the best Sevens teams in the world, Fiji's route to the final was not an easy one, as they had to play hosts Hong Kong, before Spain, Canada and Australia were all forced to undergo a masterclass in rugby. It was not
278. Results from the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Day 1
Results from the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Day 1. The 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens today kicked off in a rather damp and cool Hong Kong. The rugby on display, with many of the larger teams against much weaker opposition, offered similar, with just a few flashes of brilliance, and a few moments of concern for a couple of the bigger teams.
279. New Zealand Double at HSBC Sydney Sevens
New Zealand won both the men’s and women’s HSBC Sydney Sevens to conclude three days of scintillating action at Spotless Stadium. In the men's tournament the All Black Sevens went unbeaten through the tournament to record their second tournament victory of the series after previously lifting the Cup in Dubai. They kept their best for last producing a confident and dominant 21-5 vic
280. VisitEngland and VisitScotland Launch Dementia-Friendly Tourism Guide
VisitEngland and VisitScotland have launched a guide to help tourism businesses become more dementia-friendly. The Dementia-Friendly Tourism Guide, launched in partnership with the Alzheimer’s Society, supports tourism businesses in accommodating visitors living with dementia through case studies, recommendations and signposts to resources.

Documents 273-280 of 5027 displayed.

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