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Search Travel News Asia for: "Tibet Airlines"

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Your search for Tibet Airlines found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 225-232 of 237, with best matches first:

225. Delta launches Made-to-Order Meals + Premium Bevs for Purchase @ JFK Sky Clubs
Delta launches Made-to-Order Meals + Premium Bevs for Purchase @ JFK Sky Clubs. Delta Air Lines has launched a new dining experience at its four Delta Sky Clubs at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport offering made-to-order meals for purchase and expanded beverage options through a full-service café and bar. The new Sky Club dining experience
226. Delta launches Made-to-Order Meals + Premium Bevs for Purchase @ JFK Sky Clubs
Delta launches Made-to-Order Meals + Premium Bevs for Purchase @ JFK Sky Clubs. Delta Air Lines has launched a new dining experience at its four Delta Sky Clubs at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport offering made-to-order meals for purchase and expanded beverage options through a full-service café and bar. The new Sky Club dining experience
227. Qantas Launches Rebranded Courier Business
Qantas Launches Rebranded Courier Business. Qantas Freight has begun offering courier and baggage delivery services to Qantas and third party customers under the new brand name Qantas Courier. Qantas Courier was established to reposition the Australian and New Zealand operations following the sale of Qantas’ investment in DPEX Worldwide.
228. China Airlines Signs Strategic Framework Agreement with Fuzhou
China Airlines Signs Strategic Framework Agreement with Fuzhou. China Airlines has signed a Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement with the municipal government of Fuzhou, the bustling capital of southeastern China's Fujian Province. CAL is also preparing to launch twice-weekly scheduled cargo service between Taoyuan and Fuzhou, which is expected to transport large amounts of el
229. Academy for Young SITE Leaders to be Held in Seville in October
Academy for Young SITE Leaders to be Held in Seville in October. The city of Seville will be hosting the Young SITE Leaders Academy between 1-3 October 2010. The event will bring together professionals working in the international corporate world who organise meetings, conventions, congresses and incentive travel. It will be a unique opportunity to discover Seville’s potential as a
230. Solare Hotels & Resorts to Run on an Enterprise Hotel CRS
Solare Hotels & Resorts to Run on an Enterprise Hotel CRS. Solare Hotels & Resorts has signed on to a centralized reservation system (CRS) solution with centralized rates and inventory management for its five distinctive brands: Chisun Inns, Chisun Hotels, Chisun Resorts, Loisir Hotels and Solare Collection.
231. Boeing Opens Intelligence Collaboration Center
Boeing Opens Intelligence Collaboration Center. The innovation center will allow Boeing’s Intelligence Community customers, industry partners, and the scientific and academic communities to brainstorm, test, and field technologies designed to help prevent terrorist attacks like a passenger’s attempt to detonate explosives on a U.S. airliner on 25 December 2009.
232. Dubai Ice Rink launches Broomball for Corporate Team-Building
Dubai Ice Rink launches Broomball for Corporate Team-Building. The Dubai Ice Rink has launched a new sport for special corporate days out - Broomball. The game, very similar to ice hockey in formation and rules but incorporating some soccer strategies, is a popular winter sport in the US and Canada, and has made its entry into the region at Dubai Ice Rink.

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