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Search Travel News Asia for: "Dusit Fudu"

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Your search for Dusit Fudu found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 217-224 of 460, with best matches first:

217. Routes Asia 2015 to Take Place in Kunming, China
The Ministry of Tourism Sarawak and Routes Asia co-hosts Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad have officially handed over to Yunnan Airport Group Co., Ltd the host of Routes Asia 2015. It will be the fifth time that a Routes event has taken place in China. In 2007 Routes Asia was held in Hainan and the following year the event took place in Macau. World Routes 2009 took place in Beiji
218. Beacon Technology - SITA Unveils Findings of Trials
SITA Lab, the technology research team of the air transport industry’s IT provider SITA, has conducted the trials of beacon technology at airports, and this week issued the findings in its paper “Connecting to your passenger – are beacons the breakthrough?” Beacon technology has been hailed as a game-changer in retail. It uses Bluetooth to trigger the display of information on phon
219. STR’s Preliminary October 2013 Data for Singapore Hotels Shows Rise in RevPAR
STR Global’s preliminary October data for Singapore indicates flat to moderate hotel performance in the key metrics of occupancy, ADR and RevPAR. The preliminary daily data from hotels in Singapore for October 2013 includes:
220. Gulf Air to Resume Flights to Iran
Gulf Air has confirmed that it will resume flights to Iran with four weekly flights to Mashhad from 17 December 2013. Gulf Air, the national carrier of the Kingdom of Bahrain, commenced operations in 1950, becoming one of the first commercial airlines established in the Middle East.
221. STR Releases Preliminary October 2013 Data for Hotels in Sydney
STR Global has released preliminary October 2013 data for Sydney which shows positive growth in all three key performance measures. Based on STR Global daily data from October, the preliminary data for Sydney includes:
222. United Airlines to Support Typhoon Haiyan Relief Efforts in Philippines
United Airlines is partnering with AmeriCares, American Red Cross and Operation USA in their efforts to provide aid to those affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. The United Airlines Foundation will donate up to $50,000 to match donations to partner organizations from United customers and employees.
223. Hogg Robinson Wins Vodafone Contract
Hogg Robinson Group has been awarded the contract to provide a global meeting bookings and venue sourcing solution for Vodafone, one of the world's largest telecommunications providers. As the sole global service provider of meetings groups and events (MGE), HRG will manage Vodafone's global meeting requirements, optimising and further developing the global meeting management syste
224. Boeing and RER Hydro to Provide Quebec with Clean Hydrokinetic Power
Boeing and its partner RER Hydro of Montreal have entered into a multiyear agreement with the government of Quebec to provide 40 hydrokinetic turbines that will generate about 9 megawatts of clean, renewable power. Once completed, the St. Lawrence River near downtown Montreal will have one of the world’s largest river-generated, hydrokinetic turbine farms.

Documents 217-224 of 460 displayed.

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