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Search Travel News Asia for: "Dar Es Salaam"

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Your search for Dar Es Salaam found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 217-224 of 302, with best matches first:

217. Lily Jiang Joins Haikou Marriott Hotel as General Manager
The Haikou Marriott Hotel, scheduled to open in October 2014, has appointed Lily Jiang as General Manager. Lily is one of the rapidly growing number of women to attain the position of hotel general manager, and she is also one of only a small number of PRC nationals that has reached the level of general manager within the Marriott group.
218. August 2014 RevPAR Up 9.4% in U.S.
According to data from STR, the U.S. hotel industry reported positive results in the three key performance metrics during August 2014. Overall, in year-on-year results, the U.S. hotel industry’s occupancy was up 3.8% to 71.6%; ADR rose 5.4% to US$118.49; and RevPAR increased 9.4% to US$84.90.
219. Fairmont to Take Over Management of Hotel in Sanur, Bali
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has been appointed to manage an all-suite beachfront resort in Bali, Indonesia. Scheduled to commence operation as Fairmont Sanur Beach Bali by December 2014, it is currently the Regent Bali and is owned by PT Pancaran Kreasi Adiprima. The addition to Fairmont's luxury hotel portfolio comes ahead of the opening of Fairmont Jakarta early next year, and a se
220. Archipelago Opens Aston Hotel in Semarang, Indonesia
Archipelago International has expanded its portfolio of Aston Hotels in Indonesia with the opening of the Aston Semarang Hotel & Convention Center, the first Aston hotel in Semarang, Central Java. The Aston Semarang Hotel & Convention Center is located on Jalan MT Haryono, right in the heart of Semarang and close to the historic Kota Lama (Old City) and Pecinan (Chinatown). Nearby,
221. Etihad Launches Cabin Crew Recruitment Drive in Abu Dhabi, Germany, Italy, Japan, Morocco and Tu
Etihad Airways has embarked on a major recruitment drive for cabin crew. The recruitment days will take place in 12 cities in Germany, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Tunisia and the airline’s home, Abu Dhabi. Applicants interested in attending the recruitment days and joining the airline’s team of cabin crew, food and beverage managers, and inflight chefs, should register in advance on the
222. Recycled Cooking Oil to Power Finnair Flight to New York
Finnair will today (23/9) operate a flight from Helsinki to New York using an Airbus A330 which is powered with sustainable biofuel. Most of an airline’s environmental impact arises from aircraft emissions during flight, and switching to a more sustainable fuel source can reduce net CO2 emissions by between 50 and 80%. The biofuel mixture powering the flight to New York, provided b
223. Philippines to Host Routes Asia 2016
Philippines has been confirmed as the host country of Routes Asia 2016. The 14th Routes Asia will take place in Manila 6-8 March 2016, and will be hosted by the Philippine Department of Tourism and co-hosted by Manila International Airport Authority along with their stakeholders Tourism Promotions Board and Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority.
224. Thailand’s SpiceRoads Cycle Tours Launches Saigon to Angkor Wat Adventure
Thailand-based SpiceRoads Cycle Tours has launched a 13-day tour from Vietnam’s Saigon to Cambodia's Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. It is the first road cycling tour outside of Thailand for SpiceRoads and has been developed due to the increased popularity of the sport worldwide. Patricia Weismantel, Product Manager of SpiceRoads Cycle Tours, said,

Documents 217-224 of 302 displayed.

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