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Your search for Passengers found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 209-216 of 15114, with best matches first:

209. Munich Airport Sets New Records for Passenger Traffic and Cargo
Munich Airport Sets New Records for Passenger Traffic and Cargo. Approximately 35 million passengers – a gain of 6% over the previous year – used Munich Airport during 2010. With this new record, Munich continued to hold the number seven spot among Europe's top airports in terms of total passengers. The booming traffic figures also boosted the business performance of FMG, the airpo
210. Etihad Airways Offering Passengers One Free Night in Abu Dhabi
Etihad Airways is offering one night’s free accommodation to passengers stopping over in Abu Dhabi for a minimum of two nights before 1 December 2012. The Essential Stopovers promotion, part of the Essential Abu Dhabi program, can be redeemed at 25 hotels, ranging from three to five-star.
211. Air Travel: The Future is Connected
Today, 83% of passengers carry a smartphone and this is now the unifying technology in transport that will provide a connected end-to-end experience. SITA’s report shows that smartphones are reshaping travel behavior and with growth rates of around 80% or more at the check-in and boarding pass stages it is clear passengers are keen to use their own technology.
212. Air Arabia opens Early Check-In Counters at Sharjah Airport
Air Arabia opens Early Check-In Counters at Sharjah Airport. Sharjah-based Air Arabia has launched a new early check-in procedure for its passengers. The procedure allows passengers to check-in up to 24 hours before their flight, and make use of dedicated counters specifically set up for them, which also offer early seat assignment.
213. Etihad Airways Reports Double-Digit Growth in Passenger and Cargo Volumes
Etihad Airways has reported double-digit growth in passenger and cargo volumes during the first half of 2014, marking its strongest ever performance for the six-month period, with total revenues increasing to US$3.2 billion. A total of 6.7 million passengers travelled with the airline between January and June this year, almost 22% higher than the 5.5 million passengers in the same
214. LAN Airlines to launch Premium Economy Class in South America
LAN Airlines to launch Premium Economy Class in South America. LAN Airlines has developed a new service class that will be available to passengers flying within South America beginning September 15th. Premium Economy, as the new service class has been named, is a specially designed product option for passengers who travel short distances for business within the region.
215. Record Numbers for Eithad Airways
Record Numbers for Eithad Airways. Etihad Airways has enjoyed its busiest summer period in its four year history with more than 1.6 million passengers flying onboard the Abu Dhabi-based airline’s flights during the months of June, July and August.Capping a hugely successful summer, a record 20,721 passengers flew with Etihad on Friday 1 August making it the airline’s busiest day.
216. AirAsia Launches Free Shuttle Bus Transfers to/from Mandalay Airport
AirAsia has launched a free shuttle bus service for its passengers in Mandalay, offering daily transfers between Mandalay Airport and downtown Mandalay. The 45-kilometer journey is free of charge for AirAsia passengers, and to celebrate this value-added service, the airline is offering promotional fares on its daily flights from Bangkok to Mandalay, starting from THB 1290 per way (

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