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Search Travel News Asia for: A380

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Your search for A380 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 209-216 of 24914, with best matches first:

209. SIA to Launch A380 Flights to LA; Increase Fuel Surcharge
SIA to Launch A380 Flights to LA; Increase Fuel Surcharge. The launch, initially scheduled for 27 March 2011, was postponed following the 11 March earthquake in Japan. Los Angeles will be the eighth destination in the Singapore Airlines network to receive scheduled A380 services.
210. SIAEC and Airbus Complete First Cabin Retrofit for Singapore Airlines’ A380 Fleet
SIA Engineering Company (SIAEC), in collaboration with Airbus Services, recently completed the first of 14 A380 full-cabin retrofits for Singapore Airlines (SIA). The extensive retrofit programme, which was announced in November 2017, sees the cabin products selected for SIA’s five recently delivered A380 aircraft installed on the airline’s in-service aircraft.
211. Emirates Signs A380 Deal with OnAir
Emirates Signs A380 Deal with OnAir. The system allows passengers to use their mobile phones, smart phones and BlackBerry devices onboard Emirates A380 aircraft to make voice calls, send SMS text messages or utilise data services wirelessly to their iPod, iPhone, iPad and laptops equipped with GPRS modems.
212. First Airbus A380 Flight to be Sold for Charity
First Airbus A380 Flight to be Sold for Charity. Singapore Airlines - the first airline in the world to fly the new Airbus A380 - is preparing for the first commercial flight of the new double-decker jumbo jet, from Singapore to Sydney and return. It will take place in the month of October 2007. And in an unprecedented move, all proceeds from the sale of tickets on the first flight
213. Asiana Airlines Takes Delivery of First Airbus A380
South Korea’s Asiana Airlines has taken delivery of its first Airbus A380, becoming the eleventh operator of the type in the world. The A380 was handed over to Park Sam Koo, Chairman of Kumho Asiana Group, by Fabrice Brégier, Airbus President and CEO, during a special ceremony earlier this week in Toulouse, France.
214. Singapore Airlines to Operate Airbus A380 on Auckland Route
Singapore Airlines customers travelling to and from Auckland in New Zealand will be able to enjoy the comfort of the world’s largest commercial aircraft, the Airbus A380, from 27 October 2014. The 471-seat Airbus A380 will be deployed daily on flight SQ285, departing Singapore at 20:50 and arriving in Auckland at 11:45 the following day. The return flight SQ286 will depart Auckland
215. Lufthansa opens new A380 Hangar in Frankfurt
Lufthansa opens new A380 Hangar in Frankfurt. Lufthansa Technik has opened the first section of the new A380 maintenance hangar in Frankfurt within around 20 months since the start of construction on the first phase of the facility. On about 25,000 square metres of floor space, there is enough room already in the completed stage of the hangar to carry out maintenance work, simultan
216. Airbus A380 Auction Raises Over Sin1.9 Million
Airbus A380 Auction Raises Over Sin1.9 Million. Bidders have opened their wallets with generosity to support the Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 First Flight Charity Auction. With almost all seats now sold, the total committed to charities from sold packages so far is approaching Sin$2 million.

Documents 209-216 of 24914 displayed.

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