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Search Travel News Asia for: Energy

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Your search for Energy found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 201-208 of 2003, with best matches first:

201. Airbus Unveils 2050 Vision for Smarter Skies
Airbus has released the latest installment of the Future by Airbus, its vision for sustainable aviation in 2050 and beyond. For the first time the vision looks beyond aircraft design to how the aircraft is operated both on the ground and in the air in order to meet the expected growth in air travel in a sustainable way.
202. Corinthia Hotels Appoints VP Operations for Malta and Mainland Europe
Corinthia Hotels has appointed Roderick Micallef as Vice President of Operations for its hotels in Malta and mainland Europe. Roderick returns to the company’s head office from Portugal, where he was the General Manager of the Corinthia Hotel Lisbon. In his new role, Roderick will drive strategies to maximize profitability and quality in the hotels’ Craftsmanship of Care guest serv
203. School Children from Indonesia Urge Global Tourism Leaders to Take Climate Change More Seriously
School children from Pangandaran, Indonesia, have urged global tourism leaders to take climate change seriously. The 451 participants of the Mangrove Ambassadors Programme voiced out through a selection of 24 Letters to Leaders how climate change is affecting their daily lives at one of the most popular tourism destinations in Indonesia.
204. Jumeirah Launches New Hotel Brand; Matt Balcik Appointed VP Operations, Brand Development
Jumeirah has revealed plans to launch a new hotel brand. To lead the new brand, which is called Venu, Jumeirah has appointed Matt Balcik as Vice President Operations, Brand Development. He is charged with leading preparations for the roll-out of Venu internationally.
205. Six Senses Con Dao Invites Experts in Holistic Healing
Six Senses Con Dao has rolled out its wellness calendar for 2016, accented by invited holistic experts. The program supports the extensive offering of signature spa treatments and the three yogic programs: discover Yoga; Yogic detox; Yogic sleep. Konrad Langewand is a physiotherapist from Germany. After his examination as physiotherapist he started to work as well as massage therap
206. GE Signs MoC with Tune Hotels
General Electric (GE) and Tune Hotels have signed a Memorandum of Collaboration to explore opportunities on sustainable developments. Under the agreement, GE’s role will be to assist Tune Hotels in reviewing, planning and designing properties by contributing its knowledge and expertise in the areas of low-cost operational modeling, sustainable development, cost-saving infrastructur
207. Air Canada Targets Net Zero Emissions by 2050
Air Canada is aiming to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) throughout its global operations by 2050. To reach this, the airline has set absolute midterm GHG net reduction targets by 2030 in its air and ground operations compared to its 2019 baseline, and has committed to investing $50 million in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), and carbon reductions and removals. Publi
208. Sydney and Kuala Lumpur Convention Centres Environmental Programs Gets International Green Light
Sydney and Kuala Lumpur Convention Centres Environmental Programs Gets International Green Light. The Centre is one of only two convention centres in the world to achieve the ranking, with Kuala Lumper Convention Centre being awarded the Green Globe accreditation at the same time.

Documents 201-208 of 2003 displayed.

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